JMU monitoring coronavirus


The following communication was sent to the the JMU community on Jan. 24, 2020.

To the JMU community,

You have most likely seen reports concerning the evolving communicable disease caused by coronavirus, first detected in Wuhan City, China. We are monitoring the situation closely and are following guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Virginia Department of Health.

At this time there is no need for concern in our community as no restrictions on academic, operational, or extracurricular activities are in place. However, there are precautions we can take to prevent the spread of all communicable diseases. We urge everyone to focus on good hygiene to prevent viral illnesses: cover your cough/sneeze, avoid sharing cups and utensils, wash hands regularly, avoid others if you or they are ill, and get plenty of sleep.

If you are a student and have traveled to Wuhan City within the past 14 days and are experiencing a fever, with or without respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath), call the Health Center at 540-568-6178, and make it known you have traveled to Wuhan City. Anyone exhibiting symptoms of a communicable disease is advised to remain out of class, away from work, and avoid others for the duration of the illness and for 24 hours after symptoms abate.

See more CDC information about the 2019 novel coronavirus. Students with plans to travel to Asia should observe CDC and U.S. Dept. of State travel advisories

If additional precautions are required, the university will communicate as we work together toward protecting the health of our community.

Take care,

Dr. Tim Miller
Vice President for Student Affairs

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Published: Saturday, February 29, 2020

Last Updated: Friday, November 15, 2024

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