COVID-19 Update - Sept. 25

JMU News

Dear JMU Family, 

Update on Cases
Yesterday, the university observed 2 new positive cases of COVID-19 at the Health Center as well as 8 self-reported cases, with 16 becoming considered “recovered,” meaning they were diagnosed as positive more than 10 days ago and are no longer infectious. This puts the number of active cases at 89. The number of open quarantine and isolation beds remained at 113 out of 143. More information can be found on the University Health Center dashboard. While our situation continues to improve, individuals must continue to follow public health guidance by wearing masks, maintaining physical distance and washing hands frequently.

October Return Plan
The university will release further details on plans to return to in-person learning on Oct. 5 later this afternoon. While the plan will include extensive operational enhancements, including increased testing, quarantine and isolation space, changes in dining hall arrangements and other measures to increase safety, we can not emphasize enough how critically important it will be for everyone to follow public health guidance on masks, hand washing and physical distancing. All students are still under the obligations of the Stop the Spread Agreement, and violations of that agreement will not be tolerated. We can do this, Dukes, but only if each of us sincerely commits to doing our part. We are all in this together. 

Stop the Spread HELPline

If you have questions and can’t readily find the answer in our FAQs, call the Stop the Spread HELPline, which is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The toll-free number is 888-886-3131. And don’t forget, many of your questions can be answered here. Call center agents also will be answering questions sent to, and you can submit questions via a form on the University Health Center site.

Stay safe, and please remember that the only vaccine currently available for COVID-19 is solidarity. And download the COVIDWISE app!

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Published: Friday, September 25, 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, May 2, 2024

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