Dukes Pay It Forward Annual Scholarship Meet & Greet
JMU News
Front Row: Juana Al Anbari (’26), Yasmin Al Anbari (’26), Shabiba Nuzhat (’26), Gabby Mendez (’26), Ryzie Senn (’27), Shaina Lim (’27), McKayla Steeves (’27), Kehinde Ashimi (’27), Anna Armstrong (’26), Maliyah Hickling (’27), Aiden Williams (’27).
Kathy (’92) and Eric Warden (’93), along with President and Mary Ann Alger, mingle with many of the Dukes Pay It Forward scholarship recipients during the Homecoming Weekend reception. The Wardens’ leadership investment of $1.25 million inspired a total of $3.1 million for scholarships to help JMU recruit and retain more than 125 aspiring Dukes.
On the veranda outside the Hall of Presidents, Kathy Warden gets to know the scholarship recipients alongside Nick Langridge (’00, ’07M, ’14Ph.D.), VP of University Advancement. A first-generation college graduate, Warden is currently chairman and CEO of Northrop Grumman.
President Alger and Langridge listen as students share stories of their JMU experience.
JMU sophomore Juana Al Anbari (’26) mingles with fellow recipients during golden hour. Al Anbari is a biotechnology major alongside her twin sister Yasmin (’26), who is also a Dukes Pay It Forward recipient.
Scholarship recipients’ academic interests span the disciplines (left to right): Ryzie Senn (’27) is a psychology major with a pre-medicine minor, Shaina Lim (’27) is a marketing major and McKayla Steeves (’27) is majoring in anthropology.
Juana Al Anbari (’26) (left) and biotechnology major Gabby Mendez (’26) have a conversation with Eric Warden, retired senior managing director for Accenture and founder of Quantano LLC.
Lara Major (’92), previous JMU Rector and Dukes Pay It Forward scholarship donor, mingles with scholarship recipients.
Warden (center) speaks with the Al Anbari sisters during the Homecoming Weekend reception.
Back row (left to right): Aiden Williams (’27), Juana Al Anbari (’26), Eric Warden (’93), Kathy Warden (’92), Shabiba Nuzhat (‘26), Gabby Mendez (’26), Yasmin Al Anbari (’26), Kehinde Ashimi (’27). Front row (left to right): Anna Armstrong (’26), Ryzie Senn (’27), Maliyah Hickling (’27), Drema Walden (’27), Shaina Lim (’27), McKayla Steeves (‘27).
At the close of the evening, Dukes Pay It Forward scholarship recipients gather for a group photo with Kathy and Eric Warden.