Student veteran discusses 'welcoming' JMU atmosphere
JMU News
SUMMARY: Garrett Stacy served for five years in the U.S. Air Force before enrolling at JMU. He credits JMU’s welcoming atmosphere for aiding his transition from active duty to civilian college student.
Garrett Stacy served for five years in the U.S. Air Force before enrolling at JMU. The 27-year-old father of two, who works as a part-time teacher for Augusta County Public Schools, credits JMU’s welcoming atmosphere for aiding his transition from active duty to civilian college student.
University Communications caught up with Garrett on Veterans Day to learn more about his service and experience at JMU.
Q: Where are you from?
Verona, Virginia
Q: What is your major?
Q: When will you graduate?
Spring 2026
Q: What branch of the service were you in, for how long and what did you do?
I was in United States Air Force from September 2016 to September 2021 and served as an air transportation specialist. I was part of the Contingency Response Wing at McGuire Air Force Base in Burlington County, New Jersey.
Q: Have you used resources provided by JMU VALOR?
Yes, I use the VALOR area to get schoolwork done between classes and meet other veterans on campus. I also utilize the computer area and printer, as many courses require printed documents to be brought to class.
Q: What has been your experience with JMU VALOR?
It has been great. The staff and other students in the JMU VALOR program have all been helpful, kind and welcoming. As a student who commutes 45-50 minutes to school, the VALOR program offers a great facility so I can do my schoolwork while on campus.
Q: How would you describe your experience as a JMU student?
I have had an excellent experience at JMU. Although I have attended multiple community colleges, JMU is my first four-year university. I am a full-time transfer student with only positive experiences at JMU. The university has excellent facilities, great food and a fantastic staff.
Q: How would you describe your military experience?
I thoroughly enjoyed my active duty in the United States Air Force, which taught me many valuable lessons I use daily as a JMU student.
Thanks to Garrett and all JMU military-connected students, faculty and staff for their dedication to our country.