Warm a Winter Wish collects gifts for locals in need
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SUMMARY: UREC is giving back this holiday season by collecting donations of gifts for the local community through its Warm a Winter Wish program. Attendees can enjoy pizza, hot chocolate and baked goods while wrapping gifts.
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The holidays are almost here, and one way to give back to the local community is by donating to UREC’s Warm a Winter Wish program.
“It is a really fun event, and I just love seeing students, faculty, and staff connect and come together, as it brings so much energy and joy,” said Stephanie Boucher, assistant director for Member Services.
Each year, UREC receives wish lists from individuals and families affiliated with First Step, Mercy House and Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley. Wishes are carefully displayed on the UREC holiday tree. After gifts are donated, participants gather to wrap the gifts.

“UREC hosts a wrapping party where we invite the JMU community, as well as representatives from the three organizations, to come together to wrap presents and participate in holiday activities,” Boucher said.
“Seeing the gym lined with wrapped gifts is a moving demonstration of the difference we can make when we all do a small part.” — Stephanie Boucher, assistant director of Member Services for UREC |
Attendees are encouraged to bring their creativity and sweet treats to the wrapping party in Sports Forum 2 starting at 1 p.m. on Dec. 11. They can enjoy pizza, hot chocolate and an exciting bake-off while wrapping gifts with fellow Dukes.
Other ways to participate include dropping off wrapping supplies (wrapping paper, scissors or tape) in the bin at the UREC Welcome Center to be used during the wrapping party.
Individuals donating gifts are asked to return the items unwrapped with the wish tag attached to the present, enabling wrapping-party volunteers to know which family or person should receive it. Gifts need to be brought or shipped to UREC by 5 p.m. on Dec. 9.
Warm a Winter Wish touches many lives. “Seeing the gym lined with wrapped gifts is a moving demonstration of the difference we can make when we all do a small part,” Boucher said.
Whether you are a part of the JMU Family or simply inspired by the spirit of giving, UREC’s Warm a Winter Wish program welcomes your support this holiday season so you can help someone’s wish come true.