On Track to Success: The Voices of JMU TRIO Programs

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SUMMARY: Participants talk to the On Track Newsletter about their JMU TRIO Programs experience.

Ryan L., a Talent Search participant, and Arisema G., an Upward Bound participant, give voice to the impact of JMU's TRIO Programs on the educational journeys of its participants.   From overcoming obstacles to realizing aspirations, Ryan and Arisema's stories embody the resilience and determination of TRIO participants in pursuing higher education. Through the lens of their experiences, we gain insight into the transformative power of TRIO Programs in empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of academia and unlock their full potential.

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Ryan L.: Talent Search

Grade:  12th
School:  Homeschool Student

"Before joining this program, I was stressed about going to college because I was not receiving the best education, and I was worried that I would be a high school dropout; however, after I was recommended to this program by a friend I started to believe that I was capable of getting a higher education. Now after joining this program, I am no longer worried about not being able to make it to college, and that helped boost my passion to get an education, specifically in architecture. The program has helped to pay for some of my classes and tests that are necessary to be an architect, as well as teaching me to write essays in a format that colleges are looking for. Being able to go on college tours has helped me to see what the college atmosphere is like and what to expect when I graduate high school. I am now more comfortable talking about my college experience. For a while, because I did not think it was an option, I refrained from talking about it, but now I am a lot more open about what my plan for college encompasses. This program is so impactful on students’ lives; it can help persuade students who did not view college as an option or who did not wish to go to see the benefits and possibilities that are out there for them to earn a post-secondary education."  


Arisema G.: Upward Bound

Grade:  10th
School:  Spotswood High School

"I do not have a huge educational support system since I am the oldest in my family and they are from another country. With the help of the Upward Bound Program, I have advisors to help teach me about college and the different forms and steps I need to complete to be accepted. The Upward Bound Program has helped me in many ways to prepare for college; the Summer Session they provide lent a hand in my understanding of the college atmosphere and structure in comparison to how high school is set up. The college tours introduced me to many new institutions I did not think were possible for me to get into, so now I know that JMU and UVA are not my only options for furthering my education. They offer tutoring that helped me to go from a failing grade in math my freshman year to an A now in my sophomore year. This program has benefited me in so many ways that I would recommend it to any student who is struggling with their education. It has given me some of my closest friends to support and grow within school. At the end of the day, we know we are going to be there for each other, and I think that is something special this program gives its students."  

by Kayleigh Terry

Published: Sunday, December 1, 2019

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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