2022-23 BTC Calendar: Charlie King
As much as anyone, he’s the architect of today’s Madison campus. Retiring after a remarkable 25-year tenure, Senior Vice President Charlie King has overseen $1.4 billion in capital projects, including construction of East Campus, the extraordinary growth of athletics and move to the Sun Belt Conference, and restructuring JMU into a prestigious Tier III institution. King has served six Virginia governors and three JMU presidents with colleagues he calls “the best administration and finance team in the commonwealth.” King says helping his employees send their own children to JMU is his greatest achievement: “The single most meaningful thing for me is the establishment of the Administration and Finance Scholarship,” which has provided $400,000 to 70 students, each connected to an employee working in King’s division. This capstone part of his legacy “puts the Madison Experience within reach for more of the hard-working families that keep it running for everyone else.”