Mark Gabriele ('95)


Mark Gabriele ('95)For Mark Gabriele, changing the world comes one small breakthrough at a time with each look into a microscope. When the JMU graduate and professor isn't spending his days researching the development of the human auditory system, he can be found in the classroom helping and inspiring future neuroscientists and biologists. Mark's work, which is influential in the development of different treatments for the hearing impaired, is at the heart of JMU's undergraduate research program, one of the best in the nation, and allows students the opportunity to work with the most advanced technology in their field. Despite having published seven scientific articles in the last seven years and received numerous grants, awards and accolades, Mark's priorities remain dedication to his students and their success in science and life.

"What attracted me back to JMU was the commitment … to excellence in undergraduate teaching. …I also enjoy my research very much. At JMU you can actually attempt to do both at a high level."

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Published: Thursday, August 28, 2014

Last Updated: Thursday, November 2, 2023

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