Scott Rogers ('00, '02M)


-When Scott Rogers ('00, '02M) teamed up with a friend to meet the needs of a Harrisonburg family, they ended up with a program that helped even more: Scott and his friend Adina Bailey ('99M) built the website to help coordinate meals for a mother of four who was facing a six month illness. Her friends and family could log on, sign up for a specific day, and list what they would bring so others could see.

"Several people from that first group of users wanted to keep using the site," Rogers says. Since then, it's been used for meal ministries, book clubs, new babies, surgeries and the elderly. After just two years, hundreds of thousands of meals have been coordinated for people living in every state, and almost all the users find out about the free service via blogs, Facebook, and other social media. "Nearly all of our growth to date has been simply from word of mouth," Rogers says. "One friend telling another."

To find out more about Scott and Adina's website — or to organize meals for your friends — go to:

"We're helping people in times of grief and joy. We've made something that was once a burden into something easy, so people can focus on making the meal and helping loved ones." — Adina Bailey

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Published: Friday, August 29, 2014

Last Updated: Thursday, November 2, 2023

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