Long reign the student historians
SUMMARY: Madison Historians, a student organization founded in 1998 and made up of history enthusiasts from majors across campus continues their rousing tradition of competitive “Faculty vs. Student” Jeopardy held once a semester with another student victory.
Over the last several years, Madison Historians — a student organization founded in 1998 and made up of history enthusiasts from majors across campus — has established an entirely fun-and-games tradition: a rousing competition of “Faculty vs. Student” Jeopardy held once a semester.
Why Jeopardy? Its model relies on both accurate memories and quick hands, giving no team an advantage. It’s a lighthearted battle between students and their professors with trivia categories stretching across the globe and back to antiquity. This fall’s competition included “Innovations,” “East Asia,” “Art and Architecture” and “JMU/Madison Historian Alumni & Faculty” categories. The student team claimed victory for both Spring and Fall 2024 and look to keep their crown in the new year.
Madison Historians meet weekly to hear presentations from club members or faculty, celebrate historical events, and play other history-related games. One recent faculty presentation marked Women's History Month by addressing women in pop culture. The club also hosts field trips to visit historical sites, such as Mount Vernon, or conduct archeological work at Montpelier.
This semester, the group is collaborating with the President’s office and several student organizations to throw a birthday party for James Madison. They are also designing a research paper workshop to help students explore their own ideas without the stress of a classroom or semester due dates. Clearly, Madison Historians have built a thriving community centered on a shared love of history.