Giving Day funds make a difference for our Kinesiology program


By: Caroline Whitlow
Creative Services Student Writer

PHOTO: JMU student presenting research

Last year, 326 separate gifts benefitted the College of Health and Behavioral Studies Fund, adding up to just under $10,000.

Giving Day was held March 13, 2018

The kinesiology department utilized its portion of the funding to cover student travel costs for two regional conferences.

“Conferences help make students into lifelong learners,” said Department Head Janet Wigglesworth.  “First of all, they get to see professionals who are lifelong learners themselves.  Further, it exposes them to the latest topics of research in their field.  And finally, they get a chance to start building their network.”

The first conference, held by the Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (VAHPERD) took place on Nov. 10-12 in Roanoke.  Twelve physical and health education teacher education students represented JMU, three of whom had recently graduated from the program and presented educational sessions on teaching strategies.

“These alumni were introduced to the power of professional development opportunities and best practices while attending VAHPERD as undergraduate and graduate students, and are paying it forward by sharing their expertise with fellow teachers,” said professor Cathy McKay.

The second conference, held by the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, will take place in February in Chattanooga, TN.  Twenty students have expressed interest in attending the conference, where they can learn about research topics ranging from military fitness to encouraging activity in children.

“We rely on these donations for student travel.  There is no way in our budget that we would otherwise be able to take so many deserving students,” said Wigglesworth. 

The department plans on providing more conference opportunities with 2018 donations.

“Any money that we receive in the future would absolutely be used for further student professional development, because university education goes far beyond the classroom,” said Wigglesworth.

You can support professional development by donating to the College of Health and Behavioral Studies on this year’s Giving Day, which will be held on March 13.  Donations can be made online or by phone at (855)568-4483.  

Last year's Giving Day was an overwhelming success.

Giving Day infographic

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Published: Friday, February 16, 2018

Last Updated: Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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