Kinesiology students and faculty attend SHAPE conference
NewsBy: Kinesiology Department
The 2018 SHAPE (Society for Health and Physical Education) National Conference & Expo was held March 20-14 in Nashville, TN. Two faculty, 6 grad students, 3 undergraduate students from JMU attended the conference.
Below is a summary of the activities of JMU faculty and students during the conference:
Developing sports programs for children with disabilities in rural America
- Matthew Lucas
- Tom Moran
- Colter Bennett
- John Altemose
- Makenzie Pigg
- Briana Bissell
Ability first? Showcasing the abilities of all students
- Tom Moran
- Matthew Lucas
- Brad Weiner
Inclusion PE? Challenges and strategies for improved participation
- Teresa Martilik
- Tom Moran
Impact of Paralympic skill lab on college student cognitive attitudes toward inclusive lifetime sport and fitness
- Cathy McKay
- Jung Yeon Park
Relationship between exercise exertion, enjoyment and actual exertion in individuals with autism
- Nicole Fiscella (graduate student)
Structure, validity and reliability of the CAIPE-R: Collegiate version
- Cathy McKay
- Jung Yeon Park
JMU Major of the year
Clay Harris was recognized as the JMU Major of the year. JMU faculty select this individual. Criteria for the award include; a) current SHAPE America member, b) be a junior or senior HPERD major, c) have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and d) provide service to school or community for a minimum of 2 years during their undergraduate career.