Meet new CHBS Associate Dean - Kevin Apple
The College of Health and Behavioral Studies (CHBS) is pleased to announce Kevin Apple’s transition to the role of associate dean. While Apple is new to this position, he has been part of the JMU community since 1998. He has served the Department of Psychology in a variety of roles, including academic unit head for the past seven years.
A self-described relational-focused leader, Apple looks forward to expanding his emphasis on student success to the entire college. He says, “I am looking forward to helping students across CHBS be successful.”
An experienced leader, last year he directed the Psychology Peer Advising program and previously he created a 3-week short-term study abroad trip to explore the Psychology of the Holocaust.
Most recently, he led the psychology department in the creation of their first Summer Research Experience for Underrepresented Undergraduates (SREUU). Participants received a stipend and research mentorship while working directly with a faculty member. By all accounts, this pilot program was a great success and may be expanded to other academic programs next summer.
Apple is passionate about diversity issues, “I became a social psychologist, in part, because I wanted to understand perpetrator behavior during the Holocaust. My interest in the Holocaust is personal because I grew up knowing Holocaust survivors, several of which were my relatives.”
During his time as academic unit head, he worked with faculty to develop a departmental diversity strategic plan. The three-year plan was designed to be aspirational and included specific action items for accountability. Each year they revisit the plan to determine progress. “When I think about the climate of JMU, I am reminded of one of the lessons I learned: Although some people may perceive our campus as inclusive, it does not mean that all people perceive JMU as inclusive.”
Apple worked to build strong relationships with faculty, students and alumni by striving to be approachable. He made a regular habit of roaming Miller Hall to chat with faculty and students. To keep graduates connected, he created an alumni newsletter and began inviting former students to return to campus. Some have served as judges during the annual psychology symposium, others have been guest speakers in a class, or simply met with current students over lunch.
Apple is ready to tackle the challenges higher education faces today. He explains, “COVID-19 is a major obstacle for the university. We also need to make sure we are creating a welcoming environment for all of our students.”
During his leisure time Apple enjoys spending time with his family saying, “I also enjoy cooking, but I am not a particularly good at it.”
Just for fun...
Chocolate or vanilla? VanillaDogs or cats? Dogs
Cilantro – yes or no? Yes
Summer or Winter? Summer
Purple or Gold? Both!
Beach or Mountains? Mountains