Assessment and Measurement faculty and students travel to the NERA annual meeting

College of Health and Behavioral Studies
Assessment and Measurement PhD and Psychological Sciences MA students and faculty travel to the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association.

From October 8–10, 2024, Psychological Sciences - Quantitative Concentration MA and Assessment and Measurement PhD students and faculty traveled to Trumbull, Connecticut, to participate in the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA). At this conference, JMU students and faculty had a significant scholarly presence, with 25 authorship roles on presentations, including 11 first-authorships and one invited panelist. Third-year PhD student, Kate Schaefer, was also recognized with the Best Paper by a Graduate Student award! In addition to their scholarly activities, students and faculty are deeply involved in the NERA organization, chairing and serving on several committees, including the Board of Directors. Outside of formal obligations, students and faculty interacted with JMU alumni, who have a strong presence at the meeting, and networked with colleagues from potential future employer and internship sites.

Below, students in both programs describe their experience (in alphabetical order).

Jack Gilmore (2nd year, Psychological Sciences - Quantitative Concentration MA)

My second year at NERA proved to be just as riveting as the first. I felt as though I was able to learn an extraordinary amount across various sessions surrounding topics like applications of AI, ensuring data quality, and measurement. Furthermore, I was able to network with professionals; meeting plenty of new people while strengthening the relationships I had previously formed. Additionally, I was able to present my work as part of a symposium which led to many inspirational and exciting discussions regarding future work. Overall, NERA continues to provide an abundance of learning opportunities and memories which I will always cherish.


Jon Henriques (2nd year, Psychological Sciences - Quantitative Concentration MA, Assessment and Measurement MA/PHD program)

Returning to NERA for the second time was an amazing experience. I had the opportunity to present my research, which I had worked on throughout the previous year, and to attend several insightful symposiums on diverse topics, including AI in education and assessment. This experience allowed me to continue building relationships with, and learning from, many of the alumni and professionals in the field. I was fortunate to have Dr. Jonathan Rubright as my NERA mentor, who offered valuable advice and shared his professional insights. NERA 2024 was an unforgettable experience, and I am deeply grateful for the connections and memories it has provided.


Riley Herr (1st year, Assessment and Measurement PhD program)

I had an incredible experience attending NERA. I had the opportunity to present at two symposiums, both of which went smoothly and prompted insightful, thoughtful feedback and questions. In addition, participating in the mentorship program was extremely valuable—my mentor offered excellent advice on navigating career options post-graduation and networking at large conferences. I also connected with several alumni, all of whom were eager to meet current students and share advice on internships/navigating grad school life. Additionally, I attended two highly informative workshops: one on qualitative data analysis and another on strategies for ensuring high-quality data collection in research. Both were engaging and enriching. I’m already looking forward to returning next year!

Josiah Hunsberger (2nd year, Assessment and Measurement PhD program)

This past week I had the opportunity to present my work on the IRTree Model for Disengagement which my advisor Dr. Brian Leventhal and I have been working on for over a year. It was a fantastic experience to present to my peers and professionals. Additionally, I had the opportunity to continually develop both my personal and professional relationships with graduate students, faculty, and industry professionals from a variety of institutions and organizations.




Mason Jones (1st year, Assessment and Measurement PhD program)

I thoroughly enjoyed attending NERA this year. Presenting my research gave me the opportunity to receive valuable feedback and connect with others who are deeply invested in educational measurement research. Being in a space where so much important work is being done was both motivating and rewarding. It was encouraging to be surrounded by people who care deeply about the field and are working to improve education through research. The presentations and workshops allowed me to learn about new approaches and ideas that I can apply to my own work moving forward. Overall, it was a great experience that left me excited to attend NERA again next year!


Laura Lambert (3rd year, Assessment and Measurement PhD program)

This past week I had the opportunity to attend NERA for my third time and present work that had started as a course project.  This time, I also had the opportunity to serve as a session chair, which was a new and valuable experience for me.  I was able to attend two pre-conference workshops on qualitative data and data quality.  During my time, I not only got to see others in the field present but also re-connect with many alumni and familiar faces from years past.  I always value my time at NERA and the connections I am able to make and maintain.


Juste Mehou (2nd year, Psychological Sciences - Quantitative Concentration MA)

This was my first time attending the NERA conference and my first experience presenting my research beyond CARS. One thing that stood out to me was the high standards we are held to in the program, which really sets us apart in terms preparation, fluency in communication, depth of analysis. The conference also gave me the chance to connect with program alumni like Bo Bashkov, Jason Kopp, and Javarro Russell, and to engage with other students from the program on a more personal, less academic level. Overall, I had an incredible experience.



Kelsey Nason (3rd year, Assessment and Measurement PhD program)

This year at NERA, I was acting as a committee chair, presenting my research, and chairing a roundtable session. I was able to meet 20 new people by facilitating a breakfast for new members. I caught up with the team I worked with over the summer and connected with many professionals in the field (including many JMU alumni). I relish in the opportunity to immerse myself in this work and community; NERA is the best place to do that.




Kate Schaefer (3rd year, Assessment and Measurement PhD program)

This year I attended my fifth NERA conference. I presented some research that I conducted as part of a pilot study for my dissertation, which is focused on disengagement and time of day. I received helpful feedback that I plan to incorporate into my dissertation. Additionally, I was able to accept the NERA award for Best Paper by a Graduate Student for a paper that I presented at NERA last year. I attended a variety of sessions at NERA, with one of my favorites being a panel on job and interview advice from a variety of folks within the industry and academia. Finally, I have served on the Infrastructure Committee at NERA for 3 years and spent the last year chairing this committee. Because of my involvement in this committee throughout the year, I greatly enjoyed getting to catch up with other members in-person.

Jada Willse (1st year, Psychological Sciences - Quantitative Concentration MA, Assessment and Measurement MA/PHD program) 

I had a great time at my first NERA conference! I was able to attend two professional workshops where I learned about conducting high-quality qualitative research (which will help me in my GA and personal research) and high-quality quantitative data collection. I attended amazing presentations on measurement and the applications of AI (my top research interests). I also got to spend some in-person time with my JMU alumni mentor, Bo Bashkov, who welcomed me to NERA as the former president! I also had the opportunity to participate in the NERA mentoring program, where I got to connect with Christian Mathews, a New Jersey K-12 educator who works with Rutgers University, and Andrew Jones from American Board of Surgery, who broke down the ins and outs of psychometrics in industry. Aside from the wonderful learning and mentor experiences, I had a blast bonding with the students and faculty in my program. I can't wait for next year!

Autumn Wild (2nd year, Assessment and Measurement PhD program)

I had an incredible experience at the 2024 NERA Conference! As a returning attendee, I continue to be impressed by the generosity, warmth, and innovative spirit that defines NERA as an organization. I had the opportunity to present my project, “Beyond the Multiple Group Model: Utilizing Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis to Explore Measurement Invariance,” as part of a symposium with my colleagues, Riley Herr and Mason Jones. The feedback I received was invaluable, sparking new ideas and directions for further studies.


The conference also provided a fantastic space for connecting with program alumni and other professionals in the field, where I learned about exciting internship opportunities. The sessions and workshops I attended, along with the thought-provoking keynote presentations during meals, were truly enriching. Just like last year, I’m leaving Trumbull feeling energized and already looking forward to what NERA 2025 has in store!

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by Assessment & Measurement

Published: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Last Updated: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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