The purpose of the quantitative psychology concentration is to train students in quantitative methods (e.g., assessment, measurement, applied statistics, program evaluation). The intent of this training is to prepare students for doctoral study in quantitative methods. Students who choose not to pursue doctoral study may be prepared for some entry-level careers in government agencies, non-profit organizations or educational institutions.
Overview Purpose
In this concentration, students will expand their study of quantitative methods (statistics, measurement and assessment) while extending their understanding of psychological theories and principles. Students in this concentration are required to complete their research apprenticeship and thesis requirements through collaborative research activities with faculty who are studying or using sophisticated methodology.
Program Curriculum
A complete listing of all courses associated with this program is listed in JMU's official graduate catalog.
Other experiences
In addition to course work and other requirements of the psychological sciences program (e.g., Apprenticeship, Research Roundtable), students participate in concentration meetings where faculty and students discuss published research and professional issues related to quantitative methods in psychology. First-year students are required to present their research apprenticeship projects at the Graduate Psychology Spring Symposium (typically held in April) or at a venue approved by the concentration coordinator. All students are expected to attend the Graduate Psychology Spring Symposium. Additionally, students in the quantitative methods concentration will become acquainted with and involved in the activities of the Center for Assessment and Research Studies (CARS). Many students in the quantitative methods concentration receive graduate assistantships to work at or with CARS and students graduating from this concentration have an excellent record of being accepted into Ph.D. programs in quantitative psychology and in assessment and measurement.
For further information about this concentration, please contact
Dr. Brian Leventhal leventbc@jmu.edu