Democracy Matters - Episode 15: Banking on Civic Learning
SUMMARY: In this episode, we talk with Dr. Carl Larsson, Assistant Professor of Finance in JMU’s College of Business, the Blue Ridge Bank Faculty Fellow and Advisor to the JMU Banking Team. We are also joined by Katie Jarrett, a senior in the School of Media Arts and Design and Corinne Barbieri, a senior Finance major, who are members of JMU’s Banking Team.
Community banks are vital to the American economy and society. Local market knowledge, relationship-based lending, and civic-minded service are community banking hallmarks that help this model of banking to bolster economic growth in local economies, and proven to be resilient through financial crises.
Through the Community Bank Case Study Competition, undergraduate student teams partner with local community banks to conduct original case studies on relevant policy topics. The experiential learning opportunity helps deepen understanding of financial and banking policy and decision-making processes, and connects students and faculty to community partners.
In this episode, we talk with Dr. Carl Larsson, Assistant Professor of Finance in JMU’s College of Business, the Blue Ridge Bank Faculty Fellow and Advisor to the JMU Banking Team. We are also joined by Katie Jarrett, a senior in the School of Media Arts and Design and Corinne Barbieri, a senior Finance major, who are members of JMU’s Banking Team. Last year, the team produced a case study for the Blue Ridge Bank on the 2018 Economic Growth and Regulatory Relief Consumer Protection Act. The goal of the legislation is lessen the regulations put on smaller banks by the Dodd Frank Act, passed in the wake of 2008 financial crisis.
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