Democracy Matters - Episode 38: Local Action for Global Impact on Climate Change
SUMMARY: As part of Global Climate Change Week encouraging academic communities to engage with each other, their communities, and policy makers on climate change action and solutions, we talk with Tom Benevento, co-founder of Vine and Fig about the 50 By 25 campaign working toward a clean, just energy transition in Harrisonburg.
As part of Global Climate Change Week encouraging academic communities to engage with each other, their communities, and policy makers on climate change action and solutions, we talk with Tom Benevento, co-founder of Vine and Fig about the 50 By 25 campaign working toward a clean, just energy transition in Harrisonburg. The 50 By 25 campaign is sponsored by the nonprofit New Community Project/Vine & Fig and is a collaboration of many groups directing and coordinating it, including: Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, Climate Action Alliance of the Valley, Renew Rocktown, Earthday Harrisonburg, Green Taxi Cab Harrisonburg,
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