Madison International students share their program experiences
SUMMARY: Madison International is a James Madison University-run Residential Learning Community that provides first-year international and U.S student residents an opportunity to engage in an interactive and educational experience, inside and out of the classroom. Three current MI students spoke with JMU’s Center for Global Engagement about their experiences and takeaways from the program this year.
Madison International is a James Madison University-run Residential Learning Community that provides first-year international and U.S student residents an opportunity to engage in an interactive and educational experience, inside and out of the classroom. The program provides a learning community and housing for up to 25 students annually in Paul Jennings Hall.
Three current MI students spoke with JMU’s Center for Global Engagement about their experiences and takeaways from the program this year. Amy Dorner, Abigail Afeworki and Bubuney Havi were given the following questions to provide firsthand insight into Madison International.
- How has your experience as a Madison International student had an impact on your time at JMU?
All three students expressed positive experiences as Madison International students. Amy stated, “It created an immediate community for me here at JMU, making me feel very welcomed and included in the community from the start of my first semester. I think my experience here at JMU would be very different without MI. MI has been a great way for me to connect and make friends with people with diverse ethnic backgrounds and who are also interested in understanding global ethical issues from different cultural perspectives.”
Abigail and Bubuney had very similar responses. Abigail explained that one reason MI has made her experience at JMU so enjoyable was because of the friends she made throughout the program. She also stated, “MI definitely made my year really great. I look forward to going to these classes with my friends and it really helped for me to get used to the college environment as a freshman.”
- What is your favorite event that you participated in the MI community?

The Madison International started the academic year by spending the day at UPARK’s rope course where they participated in team building exercises.
Madison International hosts events for their students to become more involved in the community, make an impact on their surrounding environment and build relationships with their fellow peers. When Bubuney was asked her favorite event, she said, “I loved everything, but if I had to narrow it down, my favorite activities were travel groups and a team building ropes course event.”
The ropes course was also a favorite of Amy and Abigail. Abigail explained, “I loved the ropes course at UPARK. We were able to go there together and were presented with a variety of problems. We then had to work together with our classmates to find solutions. This really brought us all closer together which was really great.”
During travel groups and service learning, not only did the students explore new places together, but they also assisted the local community. This included events such as the Blacks Run cleanup in the City of Harrisonburg and other locations that the groups chose themselves.
- What kind of topics have you learned about in the MI classes? What are some interesting class discussions/projects?
Each student described the projects and discussions that held the most significance to them. Bubuney explained that she really liked their letter project. She described how the students write three letters throughout the year: a letter to the world, a letter to yourself, and a letter to MI.

Abigail learned about the importance of critical thinking. “We do a lot of critical thinking on different topics including conflict and world issues. We get to see other individuals’ points of views, each relating to the real world. This is extremely interesting and essential to recognize that our perspective is not the only way. There are many solutions for every problem, figuring out what works for whom is the challenge.”
Amy spoke about the dialogues that are done frequently in the class. “We had a dialogue, which is an open discussion on all our perspectives, on mental health, and the education system which really interested me. I found a lot of my peers had similar opinions to me, but it was most beneficial to hear from someone with a completely different perception and dissecting why we have such different perceptions on the topic.”
- What advice would you give to incoming MI students?
The students had very similar responses to what advice they would give to incoming MI students, emphasizing the importance of stepping outside of your comfort zone, especially during class dialogues. Amy responded with, “Dialogues, in my opinion, are by far the most beneficial part of the class, so put genuine thought into the discussions you guys have and you’ll see your perspective and perception on topics change for the better. This class makes you address some uncomfortable perspectives and ethical issues, especially in the second semester. Don’t shy away from others or your own opposing views, and you will grow a lot. Also, the teachers are the sweetest, most understanding people, so don’t be afraid to voice what you think or ask questions.”
Additionally, Abigail had similar advice “Do not be afraid to talk and speak up within class. During dialogues, you are free to express your beliefs without judgement. Listen and you will learn so much from new perspectives. People want to get to know you and your experiences. Everyone genuinely wants to listen, especially because they are your friends.” Lastly, Bubuney shared, “Be in the moment and enjoy it. Also be ready to leave your comfort zone, talk about everything, and remember there are no right or wrong answers in this class.”

The students enjoyed spending time and having dinner together on their last day of classes.
Note from the author: As an upcoming JMU graduate and social media intern at the Center for Global Engagement, I was fascinated to learn more about this program. I look forward to watching Madison International’s growth in the years to come!
Incoming first year students interested in becoming a member of Madison International Residential Learning Community? As a member of Madison International RLC you live with a diverse group of first-year U.S. and international JMU students in Paul Jennings Residence Hall. Madison International RLC may be an excellent fit if you seek to:
- enhance your first year at JMU by becoming involved in a supportive and engaging community
- build relationships with U.S and other international students
- collaborate with peers on developing projects
- exercise your English
- gain knowledge to successfully navigate U.S cultural context and higher education
- acquire skills needed to communicate across cultural differences
- develop and strengthen leadership skills
For more information:
Visit the Madison International website or email Dr. Vesna Hart, CGE Director of Global Learning and Partnerships and MI Academic Coordinator.