Hartzler-Weakley honored by OSP
NewsKim Hartzler-Weakley received one of the 2017 Outstanding Faculty Awards for Teaching, Scholarship, Service and Mentoring through Externally Funded Projects.
Kim was nominated for this award by Rhonda Zingraff, Director of IIHHS and CHBS Associate Dean, who is shown presenting her with the award at a recognition reception hosted by the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Kim was also acknowledged for her position in the cumulative funding tiers reported by OSP. She was listed as the sole member of the 15 Million Dollar Club.
An excerpt from Zingraff’s nomination letter:
"I cannot think of anyone who works with Kim who is not a bit in awe, and on top of her prodigious work ethic she is closing in on her third degree, a Ph.D., and will soon become a triple-Duke."
Congratulations, Kim!!