December 2012 Scholarly News


Submit scholarly news—publications, paper presentations and professional awards and service (appointment to boards, etc.)—to Janet Smith in Public Affairs at or 568-8008.



Dietrich Maune (Associate Dean, College of Arts and Letters; Professor, Media Arts and Design) exhibited new paintings at the Arts Council of the Valley in the Darrin-McHone Gallery in Harrisonburg in November.


GRANTS (awarded Nov. 2012)

Dr. Robert N. Brent (Assistant Professor, Integrated Science and Technology) received $38,725 from DuPont for "Support of South River Science Team Remedial Options Program" to test remediation strategies for mercury contamination of the South River and South Fork Shenandoah River.

Dr. Thomas C. DeVore (Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $9,500 from the Academy of Applied Science to conduct the Virginia Junior Science and Humanities Symposium.

Alleyn S. Harned (Program Coordinator, Virginia Clean Cities) received $60,000 from the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy for "Omnibus VI: Outreach & Engagement" to collect and report on information relating to alternative fuel production and to support JMU Virginia Clean Cities' work.

Kimberlee Hartzler-Weakley (Administrator, Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services) and Susannah M. Lepley (Program Director, Blue Ridge Area Health Education Center) received $10,000 from the Harrisonburg Police to conduct the Law Enforcement Interpreter Training in partnership with department.

Kimberlee Hartzler-Weakley (Administrator, Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services) received $310,000 from the Virginia Department of Health for "Shenandoah Valley Child Development Clinic-Fiscal Year 2013" to provide specialized medical, psychological, psychosocial, educational and speech/language/audiology services to children and young adults under the age of 21 and $177,348 from the Virginia Department of Education for "Migrant Education 2012-2013" to provide supplemental educational services to the children of migrant farm workers in collaboration with local school districts and to assess language and educational experience and progress of individual students.

Dr. M. Hossain Heydari (Professor, Computer Science), Dr. Brett C. Tjaden (Professor, Computer Science) and Dr. Xunhua S. Wang (Professor, Computer Science) received $141,292 from the Department of Defense for "Department of Defense Information Assurance Scholarship Program-Fiscal Year 2013" to provide support for undergraduate students and a graduate student for the Information Security Programs at JMU.

Susan F. Lamb (Business Manager, Center for Public Broadcasting, WMRA-Valley Voice) received $186,161 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for "Fiscal Year 2013 Radio Reading Service Grant-CPB" to provide a community service grant for public radio.

Kenneth F. Newbold Jr. (Director, Research and Public Service) received $1,162,776 from I2 Inc. to provide a Visual Investigative Analysis Software License.

Gary S. Race (Fiscal Technician, Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services) received $44,565 from the Virginia Department of Health for "VDH Response to Domestic Violence Training" to provide coordination of training and shelter-based health services.

Dr. Kenneth R. Rutherford (Director, Center for International Stabilization and Recovery, Professor, Political Science) received $22,296 from the Organization of American States for "Colombia Mine Action Assessment" to review and evaluate progress of the Colombia Mine Action Program relevant to the 2009 Plan of Action.

Dr. Kyle N. Seifert (Associate Professor, Biology) and Dr. Robert L. McKown (Professor, Integrated Science and Technology) received $60,085 from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command for "Levels of the Novel Glycoprotein Lacritin in Human Tears after Laser Refractive Surgery-Year 2."



Dr. Reid N. Harris (Professor, Biology) was named a fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the fourth JMU faculty member to receive the honor and will be recognized on Feb. 16 in Boston during the AAAS annual meeting. Harris was nominated for his research on ways to protect amphibians from a deadly fungus that has been blamed for wiping out large populations of amphibians around the world. Read more.

Dr. Karin Tollefson-Hall (Assistant Professor, Art, Design and Art History) won the top awards for art education at the Virginia Art Education Association Conference in Norfolk in November.



Dr. Amy Paugh (Associate Professor, Anthropology) presented "From Soft to Hard: Becoming 'Good for Oneself' in Dominica, West Indies" at the 2012 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco in November.



Dr. Amy Paugh (Associate Professor, Anthropology) wrote "Playing with Languages: Children and Change in a Caribbean Village," a book which was published by Berghahn Books in November. Paugh also wrote "Speculating about Work: Dinnertime Narratives among Dual-earner American Families," which was published in Text & Talk (volume 32, issue 5, pp. 615-636).

Dr. David A. Stringham (Assistant Professor, Music) and Paul R. Ackerman (Adjunct Instructor, Music) wrote "Another New Horizon? Music technology for senior adults," which was published in International Journal of Community Music, 5 (3).

Dr. Steven J. Whitmeyer (Associate Professor, Geology and Environmental Science) edited the book "Google Earth and Virtual Visualizations in Geoscience Education and Research," which was published by the Geological Society of America.



Dr. Beth E. Chandler (Associate Professor, Music) recently began a two-year term as president of the National Flute Association.

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Published: Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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