In This Issue:
- Dukes First Day Pictures
- A Letter from Dr. Miller
- Financial Aid Disbursements and Eligible Hours
- Join Us for Family Weekend
- Counseling Connections
- Secure Your JMU Football Tickets Today!
- Important Reminder About Health Information Needed
- Come Make Your Mark!
- A Focus on Emerging Leaders
- Dukes Return from a Summer Abroad
- Intramural Sports Registration
- 21st Birthday Program

The Madison Family Newsletter is created each month by the Office of Parent Relations in partnership with many members of the JMU community. For more family resources, visit our website.
Dukes First Day Pictures
Let your Duke know about the opportunity to capture their first day of class picture! The Office of Parent Relations will be out on the Quad in front of Wilson Hall on August 24 from 10 AM - 2 PM. Pictures will be available for download after the event at JMU Families.
A Letter from Dr. Tim Miller
Hello JMU Families,
We are excited to welcome your Dukes back to campus for the new school year! We’ve spent a great deal of time and energy this summer planning for our students’ return and we can’t wait to see all of you soon.
For New Dukes
For our new students, we have an incredible number and variety of events and programs to welcome them to campus. No matter when your student moves in, please know that we will start offering programs and events for them in the afternoon so don’t worry, they will have plenty to do on that first day at JMU. We will help them get to know each other, become involved in clubs and organizations, have fun both on and off campus and learn more about the local community.
All students should go out to their app store and download the Be Involved app. They can also return to the One Book for information about downloading the app. As families you can always keep up with what’s going on at JMU by checking out our Calendar of Events and make sure your student looks for Dukes Weekly in their JMU email every Monday afternoon for the week’s events.
Just a reminder for incoming students that they must have submitted and have verified the required health information with the University Health Center. I share this because while we have received a large number of records this year, many of them are incomplete. Below you will see our current numbers and see that over 1700 students have incomplete records and over 500 have not submitted anything yet.
- Complete – 3,437
- Incomplete – 1,746
- No Data – 541
If they have not turned in their record they need to do so as soon as possible. If records were submitted, they need to check their secure messages in MyJMUChart to verify that there is no missing information. They should also verify that they have completed the TB screening located in MyJMUChart. Please do not call the University Health Center to check on this as MyJMUChart is the fastest way for students to identify what is still left to complete or if they are finished.
Move-in is Aug. 19 and 20 for first-year students, Aug. 21 for transfer students and Aug. 21-23 for returning students. Your student should have already received an email with information on how to select their specific move-in time, so please remind them to be checking their JMU email. I’ll be working all of the move-in days so I hope to get to meet many of you and reconnect with some of you who I haven’t seen in a while.
For All Dukes
I wanted to share some updates on our newest initiatives and efforts for the health and well-being of our students. In President Alger’s email on June 30, he mentioned some new initiatives that were being planned and I’m happy to say all are moving forward to be in place for this school year. One in particular is TimelyCare, a free, virtual health and well-being resource for all JMU students. It includes 24/7 on-demand emotional support to talk about anything, health coaching, scheduled counseling, self-care content and psychiatry. We have also extended Fall Break by a day and added in a number of other resources and supports for students this fall.
How to Get Support When You Need It
As a last note, I want to be sure you know how to contact us here in case it’s needed. If you are concerned about a student’s immediate safety, you can request a welfare check by calling the JMU Police Department at (540) 568-6911. They will gather information and send an officer out to make sure they are safe. If the Harrisonburg Police need to be involved, JMU Police will instruct you on how to proceed.
Also, while I am very active on social media, messaging me through these platforms is not the best way to get a response, especially in the case of an emergency. The JMU Police Department is the best place to start if you have an emergency as they have officers and dispatchers available 24 hours a day.
When you have a need to contact me or our office, please email us at or call our main office line at 540-568-3685. This can allow our team to respond to you often quicker than I can on my own and they will pull me in when necessary to support you and your students. Hopefully these resources can help you when you need support and please know that we are always here for your students and you as families and partners.
Whether your student is a first year or senior, this is an important milestone for you and them. Embrace this time together at the end of the summer, enjoy your time together and know that we can’t wait to welcome you to JMU in a few weeks. The start of the school year is an incredible time at JMU and I am excited for another amazing year full of new experiences, building friendships and making memories!
See you soon and Go Dukes!
Dr. Tim Miller
Vice President for Student Affairs
Financial Aid Disbursements and Eligible Hours
Submitted by: Brad Barnett, Associate Vice President for Access and Enrollment Management/Financial Aid Director, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Fall Financial Aid Disbursements:
Financial aid disbursements generally occur during the first week of each semester if all paperwork has been submitted in a timely fashion and the student is registered for the amount of hours used to determine financial aid eligibility. If you want to learn more about the disbursement process, timeframe, and financial aid refunds, you can read Section 8: Financial Aid, Disbursements, Your Bill, and Refunds of the Financial Aid: Terms and Conditions – Consumer Information document on our website.
Financial Aid Eligible Hours:
The number of financial aid eligible (FA Hours) a student is registered for during the enrollment period plays a major factor in determining eligibility for financial aid. Not being enrolled in the correct number of FA Hours when it’s time to disburse funds will lead to delays, as we cannot disburse financial aid if a student is registered for fewer FA Hours than what was used to develop the financial aid package.
For example, if a student is registered for a total of 12 credit hours in a term and only 9 of them are listed with a "Yes" under the “Eligible for Financial Aid” Column in “My Class Schedule” in MyMadison, then for financial aid purposes, the student is considered enrolled in 9 hours. However, the financial aid package was developed based on 12 hours.
You can find more information about this in Section 23: Classes and Program of Study Applicability of the Financial Aid: Terms and Conditions – Consumer Information document on our website.
Counseling Connections
Submitted by: Nina H. Critz, Associate Director for Administration, Counseling Center
If your student has been engaged in psychiatric or counseling services it is import to take time to plan for their mental health treatment as they prepare to come to or return to JMU in August.
In order to ensure your student's wellbeing, success, and health, it is recommended that they continue with the prescribed treatments that they were pursuing before coming to college.
If they are connected to a provider who is licensed in Virginia and able to provide services through telehealth, we recommend that they remain connected to that provider.
If they are taking a prescription medication, make the necessary arrangements so that they have an adequate supply of medication while they are at JMU.
If your student is not able to remain with their provider but needs to establish care with a provider for long term services, our Counseling Center website has helpful information about finding a provider utilizing insurance or self pay and information for making that first appointment.
Please see the "Connect with a clinician in the greater Harrisonburg community" tab located on our Counseling Connections page.
If you or your student are not sure what the best course of action is for the fall, you may want to schedule a Counseling Connections appointment to explore your student's unique needs with one of our clinicians.
If your student is not currently engaged in treatment but after they arrive at JMU find that they need mental health support, or they have an individual provider but want to join a group or treatment program, they can access an intake during our walk in hours.
To access services for the first time, a student should visit the Counseling Center during our walk-in hours, Monday – Friday, 10AM – 3PM. We wish you and your student well during this time of transition!
Secure Your JMU Football Tickets Today!
Submitted by: Nick Ocampo, Assistant Director of Fan Engagement, Athletics
Rise with us and purchase your single-game football tickets today! Family Weekend 2022 is scheduled for Saturday, October 1 as the Dukes host Texas State.
Note: Remaining kickoff times to be announced by the Sun Belt Conference and ESPN on Mondays, 12 days prior to each game.
Season tickets are also available for purchase! Season tickets provide the best value and savings, and include one game day parking pass per account.
You can purchase single-game or season tickets by calling 540-568-3853 during business hours, or purchase online at any time by visiting
Important Reminder About Health Information Needed
Submitted by: Betsy Gentry, Associate Director of Nursing, University Health Center
Please confirm with your student that they have completed the Pre-Entry Health Requirements step from the One Book that was due July 6, and that they received confirmation that their information is complete. This includes verification of their immunization form and completion of the online TB assessment and health history. Your student can confirm these are all completed by logging in to MyJMUChart. Please remind them to keep checking their messages and to be sure to respond if they receive a message that more information is needed.
For all who have completed this, thank you! If they haven’t, they need to do so right away. We are continuing to process forms and we will issue holds on Aug. 12 which means they will not be able to make changes to their class schedule and will not be able to register for future classes until the information is provided. A $50 fine will be placed on Sept. 9 for any that are still incomplete at that time.
If your student is having trouble uploading the information, detailed instructions are on the Incoming Students page on the health center website or you can email us at We are receiving a high volume of emails at this time so it may take a little time for a reply, but we will respond as quickly as possible.
We realize that vaccines are something that students typically have not done on their own so we appreciate anything you can do to help your student complete these very important steps.
Tip: Keep up with important dates and deadlines by bookmarking the Academic Calendar
Submitted by: Gabriel Driver, Coordinator for Leader Development Experiences, Student Life
The Student Leadership Center believes every student has the capacity to be a leader. Through the Make Your Mark On Madison (MYMOM) program your student will have the opportunity to acknowledge and unlock the leadership qualities that exist within them. The MYMOM Program has been around since 2004 and continues to be one of the most renowned programs on campus. We aim to have this program be inclusive of all identities, personalities, and students in general. While we are not centered out of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion area, we have partnered with folks and values from that space.
We strive to be leaders of integrity and authenticity. We work to be open while critically critiquing our biases, ways of knowing, and with acceptance that our journey of self-discovery is never complete. We work to recognize our own agency and cultivate it in others. Our critical consciousness is at the forefront of our learning, and we work to intervene in our world through unlearning and relearning by inviting different lenses (leadership lessons) to view our world.
This 10-week program has been known to help students find their place on campus and for many of them “be themselves” for the first time. This program has time-and-time again helped students build community, find meaningful involvement and heighten confidence & self-awareness. Additionally, most participants use MYMOM as a springboard to get involved in other areas on campus and truly make their mark.
Applications will go live early in the semester.
Be sure to follow @jmumymom on Instagram for our latest updates. For any question contact
A Focus on Emerging Leaders
Submitted by: Michael McCleve, Associate Director for Leadership, Student Life - Student Leadership Center
Our world needs people who can solve problems, improve relationships, and change communities. In short, our world needs leaders. But not all of those leaders need to have formal, authoritative leadership positions to make a difference. Really, all it takes is someone with the right knowledge and the right skill to positively influence others to work together. And that can be anyone. That’s why the Student Leadership Center started the emerging leaders progam, “Everyone Can Lead!” In the Everyone Can Lead! program students come together to explore the critical concepts and key skills needed for them to use their own power and influence to understand themselves better, develop positive relationships with others, create more effective teams, and learn the power of helping others.
One student who participated in the program two years ago said, “It was a great and enriching leadership experience.” After completing the program, another student shared, “The interactive meetings, connecting with others, and assessments were all great. I gained insight into my leadership style and discovered opportunities for improvement. I look forward to implementing my newfound knowledge in future leadership roles.”
The program includes weekly meetings for eight weeks. There are interactive and fun activities, as well as opportunities to learn more about yourself and how to develop positive, productive relationships. At the end of the program, students learn about additional leadership development experiences like 1:1 Strengths Coaching with a highly trained student coach from the Student Leadership Center.
Submitted by: Erin Smith, Study Abroad Outreach and Partnerships Coordinator, Center for Global Engagement
The Center for Global Engagement is wrapping up a busy summer sending JMU Dukes abroad. Since May, 796 students have completed programs across 31 countries.
If your student is interested in earning credits toward their degree, building friendships, and challenging themselves through a once-in-a-lifetime international experience, encourage them to browse program options and apply for the upcoming academic year.
Applications go live on September 1st for programs running in Winter ’23, Spring Break ’23, Summer ’23, Fall ‘23 and Spring ’24.
Intramural Sports Registration
Submitted by: Kaitlin Pomerleau, Assistant Director for Marketing and Social Media, University Recreation (UREC)
Every year, over 25% of JMU students participate in Intramural Sports! Intramural Sports are competitions played between teams or individuals within JMU. They allow students to socialize, play the sports they love and have fun with friends!
There are three seasons (fall, winter and spring) throughout the year with competitive and recreational leagues. The fall Intramural Sports registration period opens on Wed, Aug 17 for the following leagues: kickball, outdoor soccer, floor hockey, 3v3 basketball, field hockey, flag football, sand volleyball, ultimate frisbee and volleyball.
UREC will also host the following tournaments this fall: cornhole, spikeball, table tennis, inner tube water polo, wheelchair basketball and pool battleship.
We appreciate you passing on the registration reminder to your Duke! For more information on Intramural Sports, please visit UREC’s website.
Submitted by: Sonia Doulamis, Assistant Director for Substance Misuse Prevention, University Recreation (UREC)
Your Duke may be celebrating a milestone birthday soon...turning 21!
This is an exciting time in your student's life, as they continue into adulthood. In addition to coordinating celebration plans, take some time to talk with your student about their expectations for their big day. Everyone chooses to celebrate differently, so substances may or may not be part of their plan.
The 21st Birthday Program was created to help students navigate this big milestone and celebrate safely.
In the weeks leading up to their 21st birthday, students receive an email invitation to participate in the 21st Birthday Program, from UREC's Health and Wellness Promotion team. This brief conversation, usually lasting about 10-15 minutes, allows students to discuss the expectations that they have for themselves, as well as the expectations that their friends may have for the celebration. By candidly discussing their plans with a trained Wellness Instructor, students are able to create a plan including, realistic protective strategies and identify various skills that will help minimize the risk of excessive drinking.
This academic year, we are mailing postcards to the parents/guardians of those turning 21. The postcard contains a link and QR code, which can provide you with any additional information about the 21st Birthday Program. We hope it will serve as a friendly reminder to encourage your student to participate in the program.
All students receive a coupon book after participation, with vouchers to establishments both on campus and in the community. We hope you join us as we help your favorite Duke celebrate in a safe and memorable way and encourage them to check out the 21st Birthday Program.
Join 5,600+ fellow JMU parents and guardians in the official Facebook group! This group was created by the Office of Parent Relations in an effort to provide a safe online environment for parents to engage with one another. Request to join the group here »