New Online Cancellation Feature on URECregister
A new feature on allows participants to cancel registration online for no-cost programs.
University RecreationCanceling Registrations Online
Starting Fall 2018,, UREC's program registration site has a new feature.
Participants are now able to cancel registrations online for no-cost programs instead of having to call or visit UREC's Welcome Center! Learn how to cancel online following these instructions or if you choose, you can still call or visit the UREC Welcome Center at 540-568-8734.
New Cancelation Policy for No-cost Programs
UREC's new Cancelation Policy for non-fee based programs is as follows:
If you need to cancel your registration, the deadline is 2 hours prior to the start of class to cancel. If you do not cancel and do not show up on time for a class, you are considered a "no-show participant." Learn about no-show consequences. You may cancel online or you can visit or call the UREC Welcome Center at 540-568-8734.
Need to cancel for a program that had a fee?
See course information for refund deadlines. For your refund request to be considered, you will need to contact the UREC professional staff member who oversees the program by the deadline. Please allow one week for approved refunds to reimburse your credit card. A $50 fee will be assessed for any check returned by the bank.
Questions? Visit UREC's Registration policy webpage.