SMAD Professors' Films Screen at NYC Film Festival
Professors Kevin Reynolds and Imelda O'Reilly show latest works
NewsFilms directed by Professors Kevin Reynolds and Imelda O’Reilly were part of the program of the second annual Inwood Film Festival in New York which ran March 17 & 18, 2017. The program included twenty-two short films and two feature-length films by New York filmmakers or shot in New York.
The Blue Zone, directed by Reynolds and shot and edited by Prof. George Johnson, is a comedy about a man and woman rekindling a childhood romance in a retirement home and the sparks that fly in the new environment.
The drama Eggs and Soldiers, directed by O’Reilly and shot by Joe Foley, depicts older brother's humanity when he risks everything to have his younger brother Marco experience a real Irish Christmas after the father has forgotten to get a Christmas tree.
Both films drew large audiences and favorable reviews at the festival. The films were also screened to a full house in the Harrisonburg Court Square Theater in March.
For more information, contact Kevin Reynolds at