College of Science and Mathematics Receives Funds to Test Angling Lakes in Virginia
NewsSUMMARY: Dr. Downey receives funding from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to test various recreational angling lakes in Virginia.
(Lake Brittle)
(Lake Keokee)
Dr. Daniel Downey, a Professor in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, and co-PI Bill Latham, a Grant Assistant in the Biology Department, received a $30,000 grant from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for the project entitled, "Measurements and Evaluation of Nutrient Loading & Discharge in Several Virginia Impoundments (Lakes)."
(Lake Shenandoah with former students)
They aim to test a few lakes in Virginia to assess nutrient loading and discharge. According to the proposal, lakes are fertilized in Virginia to improve conditions for recreational angling; however, the loading of excess nitrogen and phosphorus may be affecting the health of the Chesapeake Bay. (Burke Lake)
(Huntsman Lake)
Dr. Downey and team plan to test Burke Lake, Lake Brittle, Huntsman Lake, Lake Shenandoah, and Lake Keokee (all located in Virginia) to determine the amount of fertilizer that is necessary for positive angling experiences and to ultimately improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
(Lake Keokee with a Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries employee and student team from 2012 testing)
They will test the lakes multiple times over the span of a year for phosphorus, nitrogen, alkalinity, chlorophyll a, base cations, acid anions, trace elements and heavy metals, and physical and associated chemical measurements.
(Student team from Lake Keokee 2012 testing samples in the lab)
Hats off to Dr. Daniel Downey and team for securing funding and to help improve the health of our local watershed!
(Water Sample Collection site)