Instructions for On-Campus Mail
Calling all students, faculty, and professors—do you know how to address mail sent to campus properly?
Students, please have friends, family, significant others, etc. address mail using the following format:
Legal Name
800 S. Main St.Box ####
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
If your legal name and box number are not included in the address, your mail will not be processed. Mail addressed to “my sweetie” or “mommy’s little girl” will automatically be sent back to its original source. Mail processors can only identify individual mail through legal name and box number.
Faculty and staff, please be sure to address mail using the following format:
Legal Name or Department Name
Department Name (if legal name is used on top line)
Department street address and MSC ####
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
You can find your department's street address and MSC number using the following link, which lists the departments/offices/organizations alphabetically: Street Addresses for JMU Departments
Mail processors insist that the specific address for the department is a necessity for faculty and staff. Delivery is not guaranteed when your mail is addressed to the generic 800 South Main address. For more information please visit JMU Mail Services.