JMU Is Enforcing Safety Policies for Scooters, Bikes and More
Hey, students—heads up! The JMU Police Department wants you to know that they are enforcing safety measures regarding scooters, hoverboards, skateboards and bikes on campus. They want to keep you safe both off the road and on, so they are implementing these measures as an extra safety precaution.
A little foggy on the rules? No problem! Scooters, hoverboards and bikes should all be treated as vehicles. They must stop for stop signs and traffic lights, yield at crosswalks, control their speed, use turn signals, avoid occupying sidewalks and obey other rules of the road. Skateboards should also be treated as a vehicle; however, they must be operated on sidewalks without crowds, not the road.
For all scooter, hoverboard, skateboard and bike users, it is strongly recommended to wear a helmet, safety equipment and bright-colored or reflective clothing. More than one person cannot share one scooter nor should anyone ride on the handles or frame of a bicycle. Additionally, earphones are prohibited while riding a bicycle. Any students on these vehicles involved in an accident must stop and make a report to the police.
For more information about OSARP’s policies on scooters, hoverboards, skateboards and bikes, visit The JMU Student Handbook. For more information about Harrisonburg’s policies, visit Municode. For more information about Virginia’s policies, visit Virginia Law’s Code of Virginia.