TDU Will Be Open 24/7
Guess what, Dukes? Your favorite on-campus hang-out and study space will soon be open around the clock! That’s right, Taylor Down Under (TDU) is offering twenty-four-hour access starting Monday, November 29. Print, use the computers, play pool and enjoy the characteristic TDU environment all seven days a week, anytime.
As you enjoy this exciting new access, The Union expects students to follow the JMU Honor Code. TDU is equipped with video cameras and students must swipe in with their JACards from the exterior Grace Street doors to enter. Non-JMU students are not allowed inside during these extended hours and access is limited to the bottom floor of The Union. Failure to abide by these rules will result in loss of access to TDU.
This is a development The Union is excited to implement, and students should be ready to abide by the rules and take advantage of this fantastic new resource on campus. See you at TDU, Dukes!