Lindsay Stebbins awarded Outstanding New Professional


Lindsey Stebbins, assistant director of Restorative Practices, is known for her caring, empathetic and restorative approaches to helping others around her. This ingrained kindness has allowed her to contribute and effectively have conversations with folks JMU works alongside with, whether these be students, faculty, staff, community members or other organizations. She constantly thinks of new ways to build bridges and connect with various departments on and off campus. Other institutions have sought her out to give presentations and training experiences on how to facilitate restorative practices.  

One notable process Stebbins leads is Adaptable Resolution, which seeks a restorative approach to address incidents of sexual harm. She has dedicated much time and attention to assist students seeking a restorative approach to addressing sexual harm. A restorative approach is something she almost always cultivates in her countless interactions with students and community members.  

She has simultaneously upheld the community standards through the accountability process while empathetically listening to students. She has profoundly impacted the student body, the division, JMU and the community. Stebbins has consistently displayed her deep devotion, kindness and empathy to her work and has impacted our community for the better. 

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Published: Thursday, June 6, 2024

Last Updated: Monday, June 10, 2024

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