Dr. Lori Beth De Hertogh Receives 2017 Excellence in Teaching & Learning with Technology Award
Dr. Lori Beth De Hertogh received the 2017 Excellence in Teaching & Learning with Technology award at the Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference on October 23, 2017. This award is given annually to those who demonstrate leadership in teaching with technologies in their respective institutions and is open to all part- and full-time JMU faculty as well as faculty from other universities and K-12 teachers in the region. Recipients of this award have adapted familiar tools to create innovative learning experiences and/or successfully experimented with and adapted new technologies in their classes. Lori Beth is the third WRTC professor to receive this award -- Cynthia Martin won in 2013, followed by Seán McCarthy in 2014.
As one of WRTC’s most accomplished experts in digital technologies, Lori Beth creates rich opportunities for students to develop compelling digital work. For example, she challenges students to transform text-based research papers into thoughtful multimedia projects and to express their ideas using creative digital storytelling techniques.
As an experienced digital media practitioner, Lori Beth is also hugely supportive of her colleagues’ work. In support of her nomination for this award, a WRTC faculty member wrote that Lori Beth “is a collaborative, collegial and generous colleague who works with others to encourage and support the use of technology in improving and innovating teaching at this institution.”
In addition to inspiring her students and colleagues, Lori Beth is a rising star in the field of Writing Studies nationally. She has several publications and conference presentations to her name, and she is the founder and director of the Feminist Scholars Digital Workshop, a biennial, interdisciplinary, and international event that supports feminist-oriented research projects. To find out more about Lori Beth’s teaching and research, visit her website http://www.loribethdehertogh.com.
Congratulations, Lori Beth!