The information on this page is provided by campus partners. For up-to-date information regarding these spaces, please contact facilities management directly.

Atlantic Union Bank Center: All restrooms (available only during events)

Bridgeforth Stadium: All restrooms

Carrier Library: Basement level near Stairwell D and 3rd floor around the corner from Stairwell E

College of Business Learning Complex: T1002 on 1st floor

Convocation Center: Men's and Women's restrooms

D-Hall Dining Hall: All restrooms

D-Hub Dining Hall: Women's and Universal restrooms

Darcus Johnson Hall: All restrooms

Dukes Dining: Located in Men's and Women's restrooms

Edith J. Carrier Arboretum: Pavilion restrooms

Engineering/Geosciences: First floor Men's (0T01) and Women's (0T02) restrooms

Festival Conference and Student Center:  Upper-level Men's and Women's restrooms

Frances Plecker Education Center: Men's and Women's restrooms

Health and Behavioral Studies Building: Universal restrooms on the ground floor: TG037 and TG028

Holland Yates Hall (formerly Madison Hall): All restrooms

Hotel Madison: Lobby’s Men's, Women's and Universal restrooms

King Hall: Universal restroom: T215

Memorial Hall: Universal restroom: T6140

Memorial Hall Baseball Stadium: Men's and Women's restrooms

Paul Jennings Hall: Lobby Universal restroom: T151

Rose Library: Men's and Women's restrooms

Sentara Park: Gatehouse, Pavilion and Stadium all restrooms

Student Success Center: Available on each floor in Universal restroom: T1082, T2000, T3028, T4028, T5011

University Recreation: University Park Pavilion

University Recreation Center (UREC): All restrooms

Wilson Hall: 1st and 2nd floor Men's and Women's restrooms

Wine-Price: T2042

Note: All dining halls have high chairs available on request.

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