Package apiclient :: Module channel :: Class Channel
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Class Channel

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A Channel for notifications.

Usually not constructed directly, instead it is returned from helper
functions like new_webhook_channel().

  type: str, The type of delivery mechanism used by this channel. For
    example, 'web_hook'.
  id: str, A UUID for the channel.
  token: str, An arbitrary string associated with the channel that
    is delivered to the target address with each event delivered
    over this channel.
  address: str, The address of the receiving entity where events are
    delivered. Specific to the channel type.
  expiration: int, The time, in milliseconds from the epoch, when this
    channel will expire.
  params: dict, A dictionary of string to string, with additional parameters
    controlling delivery channel behavior.
  resource_id: str, An opaque id that identifies the resource that is
    being watched. Stable across different API versions.
  resource_uri: str, The canonicalized ID of the watched resource.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, type, id, token, address, expiration=None, params=None, resource_id="", resource_uri="")
Create a new Channel.
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Build a body from the Channel.
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update(self, resp)
Update a channel with information from the response of watch().
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, type, id, token, address, expiration=None, params=None, resource_id="", resource_uri="")

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Create a new Channel.

In user code, this Channel constructor will not typically be called
manually since there are functions for creating channels for each specific
type with a more customized set of arguments to pass.

  type: str, The type of delivery mechanism used by this channel. For
    example, 'web_hook'.
  id: str, A UUID for the channel.
  token: str, An arbitrary string associated with the channel that
    is delivered to the target address with each event delivered
    over this channel.
  address: str,  The address of the receiving entity where events are
    delivered. Specific to the channel type.
  expiration: int, The time, in milliseconds from the epoch, when this
    channel will expire.
  params: dict, A dictionary of string to string, with additional parameters
    controlling delivery channel behavior.
  resource_id: str, An opaque id that identifies the resource that is
    being watched. Stable across different API versions.
  resource_uri: str, The canonicalized ID of the watched resource.

  • @util.positional(5)
Overrides: object.__init__


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Build a body from the Channel.

Constructs a dictionary that's appropriate for passing into watch()
methods as the value of body argument.

  A dictionary representation of the channel.

update(self, resp)

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Update a channel with information from the response of watch().

When a request is sent to watch() a resource, the response returned
from the watch() request is a dictionary with updated channel information,
such as the resource_id, which is needed when stopping a subscription.

  resp: dict, The response from a watch() method.