Package apiclient :: Module http :: Class BatchHttpRequest
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Class BatchHttpRequest

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Batches multiple HttpRequest objects into a single HTTP request.

  from apiclient.http import BatchHttpRequest

  def list_animals(request_id, response, exception):
    """Do something with the animals list response."""
    if exception is not None:
      # Do something with the exception.
      # Do something with the response.

  def list_farmers(request_id, response, exception):
    """Do something with the farmers list response."""
    if exception is not None:
      # Do something with the exception.
      # Do something with the response.

  service = build('farm', 'v2')

  batch = BatchHttpRequest()

  batch.add(service.animals().list(), list_animals)
  batch.add(, list_farmers)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, callback=None, batch_uri=None)
Constructor for a BatchHttpRequest.
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_refresh_and_apply_credentials(self, request, http)
Refresh the credentials and apply to the request.
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_id_to_header(self, id_)
Convert an id to a Content-ID header value.
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_header_to_id(self, header)
Convert a Content-ID header value to an id.
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_serialize_request(self, request)
Convert an HttpRequest object into a string.
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_deserialize_response(self, payload)
Convert string into httplib2 response and content.
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Create a new id.
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add(self, request, callback=None, request_id=None)
Add a new request.
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_execute(self, http, order, requests)
Serialize batch request, send to server, process response.
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execute(self, http=None)
Execute all the requests as a single batched HTTP request.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, callback=None, batch_uri=None)

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Constructor for a BatchHttpRequest.

  callback: callable, A callback to be called for each response, of the
    form callback(id, response, exception). The first parameter is the
    request id, and the second is the deserialized response object. The
    third is an apiclient.errors.HttpError exception object if an HTTP error
    occurred while processing the request, or None if no error occurred.
  batch_uri: string, URI to send batch requests to.

  • @util.positional(1)
Overrides: object.__init__

_refresh_and_apply_credentials(self, request, http)

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Refresh the credentials and apply to the request.

  request: HttpRequest, the request.
  http: httplib2.Http, the global http object for the batch.

_id_to_header(self, id_)

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Convert an id to a Content-ID header value.

  id_: string, identifier of individual request.

  A Content-ID header with the id_ encoded into it. A UUID is prepended to
  the value because Content-ID headers are supposed to be universally

_header_to_id(self, header)

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Convert a Content-ID header value to an id.

Presumes the Content-ID header conforms to the format that _id_to_header()

  header: string, Content-ID header value.

  The extracted id value.

  BatchError if the header is not in the expected format.

_serialize_request(self, request)

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Convert an HttpRequest object into a string.

  request: HttpRequest, the request to serialize.

  The request as a string in application/http format.

_deserialize_response(self, payload)

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Convert string into httplib2 response and content.

  payload: string, headers and body as a string.

  A pair (resp, content), such as would be returned from httplib2.request.


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Create a new id.

Auto incrementing number that avoids conflicts with ids already used.

   string, a new unique id.

add(self, request, callback=None, request_id=None)

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Add a new request.

Every callback added will be paired with a unique id, the request_id. That
unique id will be passed back to the callback when the response comes back
from the server. The default behavior is to have the library generate it's
own unique id. If the caller passes in a request_id then they must ensure
uniqueness for each request_id, and if they are not an exception is
raised. Callers should either supply all request_ids or nevery supply a
request id, to avoid such an error.

  request: HttpRequest, Request to add to the batch.
  callback: callable, A callback to be called for this response, of the
    form callback(id, response, exception). The first parameter is the
    request id, and the second is the deserialized response object. The
    third is an apiclient.errors.HttpError exception object if an HTTP error
    occurred while processing the request, or None if no errors occurred.
  request_id: string, A unique id for the request. The id will be passed to
    the callback with the response.


  BatchError if a media request is added to a batch.
  KeyError is the request_id is not unique.

  • @util.positional(2)

_execute(self, http, order, requests)

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Serialize batch request, send to server, process response.

  http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make the request with.
  order: list, list of request ids in the order they were added to the
  request: list, list of request objects to send.

  httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
  apiclient.errors.BatchError if the response is the wrong format.

execute(self, http=None)

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Execute all the requests as a single batched HTTP request.

  http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used in place of the one the
    HttpRequest request object was constructed with. If one isn't supplied
    then use a http object from the requests in this batch.


  httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
  apiclient.errors.BatchError if the response is the wrong format.

  • @util.positional(1)