Package apiclient :: Module model :: Class BaseModel
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Class BaseModel

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Base model class.

Subclasses should provide implementations for the "serialize" and
"deserialize" methods, as well as values for the following class attributes.

  accept: The value to use for the HTTP Accept header.
  content_type: The value to use for the HTTP Content-type header.
  no_content_response: The value to return when deserializing a 204 "No
      Content" response.
  alt_param: The value to supply as the "alt" query parameter for requests.

Instance Methods [hide private]
_log_request(self, headers, path_params, query, body)
Logs debugging information about the request if requested.
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request(self, headers, path_params, query_params, body_value)
Updates outgoing requests with a serialized body.
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_build_query(self, params)
Builds a query string.
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_log_response(self, resp, content)
Logs debugging information about the response if requested.
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response(self, resp, content)
Convert the response wire format into a Python object.
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serialize(self, body_value)
Perform the actual Python object serialization.
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deserialize(self, content)
Perform the actual deserialization from response string to Python object.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  accept = None
  content_type = None
  no_content_response = None
  alt_param = None
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

request(self, headers, path_params, query_params, body_value)

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Updates outgoing requests with a serialized body.

  headers: dict, request headers
  path_params: dict, parameters that appear in the request path
  query_params: dict, parameters that appear in the query
  body_value: object, the request body as a Python object, which must be
              serializable by simplejson.
  A tuple of (headers, path_params, query, body)

  headers: dict, request headers
  path_params: dict, parameters that appear in the request path
  query: string, query part of the request URI
  body: string, the body serialized as JSON

Overrides: Model.request

_build_query(self, params)

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Builds a query string.

  params: dict, the query parameters

  The query parameters properly encoded into an HTTP URI query string.

response(self, resp, content)

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Convert the response wire format into a Python object.

  resp: httplib2.Response, the HTTP response headers and status
  content: string, the body of the HTTP response

  The body de-serialized as a Python object.

  apiclient.errors.HttpError if a non 2xx response is received.

Overrides: Model.response

serialize(self, body_value)

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Perform the actual Python object serialization.

  body_value: object, the request body as a Python object.

  string, the body in serialized form.

deserialize(self, content)

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Perform the actual deserialization from response string to Python

  content: string, the body of the HTTP response

  The body de-serialized as a Python object.