Package apiclient :: Module schema :: Class Schemas
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Class Schemas

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Schemas for an API.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, discovery)
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_prettyPrintByName(self, name, seen=None, dent=0)
Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name.
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prettyPrintByName(self, name)
Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name.
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_prettyPrintSchema(self, schema, seen=None, dent=0)
Get pretty printed object prototype of schema.
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prettyPrintSchema(self, schema)
Get pretty printed object prototype of schema.
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get(self, name)
Get deserialized JSON schema from the schema name.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, discovery)

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  discovery: object, Deserialized discovery document from which we pull
    out the named schema.

Overrides: object.__init__

_prettyPrintByName(self, name, seen=None, dent=0)

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Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name.

  name: string, Name of schema in the discovery document.
  seen: list of string, Names of schema already seen. Used to handle
    recursive definitions.

  string, A string that contains a prototype object with
    comments that conforms to the given schema.

  • @util.positional(2)

prettyPrintByName(self, name)

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Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name.

  name: string, Name of schema in the discovery document.

  string, A string that contains a prototype object with
    comments that conforms to the given schema.

_prettyPrintSchema(self, schema, seen=None, dent=0)

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Get pretty printed object prototype of schema.

  schema: object, Parsed JSON schema.
  seen: list of string, Names of schema already seen. Used to handle
    recursive definitions.

  string, A string that contains a prototype object with
    comments that conforms to the given schema.

  • @util.positional(2)

prettyPrintSchema(self, schema)

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Get pretty printed object prototype of schema.

  schema: object, Parsed JSON schema.

  string, A string that contains a prototype object with
    comments that conforms to the given schema.

get(self, name)

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Get deserialized JSON schema from the schema name.

  name: string, Schema name.