Package oauth2client :: Module appengine :: Class CredentialsNDBProperty
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Class CredentialsNDBProperty

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App Engine NDB datastore Property for Credentials.

Serves the same purpose as the DB CredentialsProperty, but for NDB models.
Since CredentialsProperty stores data as a blob and this inherits from
BlobProperty, the data in the datastore will be the same as in the DB case.

Utility property that allows easy storage and retrieval of Credentials and

Instance Methods [hide private]
_validate(self, value)
Validates a value as a proper credentials object.
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_to_base_type(self, value)
Converts our validated value to a JSON serialized string.
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_from_base_type(self, value)
Converts our stored JSON string back to the desired type.
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Method Details [hide private]

_validate(self, value)

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Validates a value as a proper credentials object.

  value: A value to be set on the property.

  TypeError if the value is not an instance of Credentials.

_to_base_type(self, value)

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Converts our validated value to a JSON serialized string.

  value: A value to be set in the datastore.

  A JSON serialized version of the credential, else '' if value is None.

_from_base_type(self, value)

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Converts our stored JSON string back to the desired type.

  value: A value from the datastore to be converted to the desired type.

  A deserialized Credentials (or subclass) object, else None if the
      value can't be parsed.