Package oauth2client :: Module locked_file
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Source Code for Module oauth2client.locked_file

  1  # Copyright 2011 Google Inc. 
  2  # 
  3  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
  4  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
  5  # You may obtain a copy of the License at 
  6  # 
  7  # 
  8  # 
  9  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 10  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
 11  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
 12  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 13  # limitations under the License. 
 15  """Locked file interface that should work on Unix and Windows pythons. 
 17  This module first tries to use fcntl locking to ensure serialized access 
 18  to a file, then falls back on a lock file if that is unavialable. 
 20  Usage: 
 21      f = LockedFile('filename', 'r+b', 'rb') 
 22      f.open_and_lock() 
 23      if f.is_locked(): 
 24        print 'Acquired filename with r+b mode' 
 25        f.file_handle().write('locked data') 
 26      else: 
 27        print 'Aquired filename with rb mode' 
 28      f.unlock_and_close() 
 29  """ 
 31  __author__ = ' (David T McWherter)' 
 33  import errno 
 34  import logging 
 35  import os 
 36  import time 
 38  from oauth2client import util 
 40  logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 
41 42 43 -class CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError(Exception):
44 """Credentials files must not be symbolic links."""
46 47 -class AlreadyLockedException(Exception):
48 """Trying to lock a file that has already been locked by the LockedFile.""" 49 pass
51 52 -def validate_file(filename):
53 if os.path.islink(filename): 54 raise CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError( 55 'File: %s is a symbolic link.' % filename)
57 -class _Opener(object):
58 """Base class for different locking primitives.""" 59
60 - def __init__(self, filename, mode, fallback_mode):
61 """Create an Opener. 62 63 Args: 64 filename: string, The pathname of the file. 65 mode: string, The preferred mode to access the file with. 66 fallback_mode: string, The mode to use if locking fails. 67 """ 68 self._locked = False 69 self._filename = filename 70 self._mode = mode 71 self._fallback_mode = fallback_mode 72 self._fh = None
74 - def is_locked(self):
75 """Was the file locked.""" 76 return self._locked
78 - def file_handle(self):
79 """The file handle to the file. Valid only after opened.""" 80 return self._fh
82 - def filename(self):
83 """The filename that is being locked.""" 84 return self._filename
86 - def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
87 """Open the file and lock it. 88 89 Args: 90 timeout: float, How long to try to lock for. 91 delay: float, How long to wait between retries. 92 """ 93 pass
95 - def unlock_and_close(self):
96 """Unlock and close the file.""" 97 pass
99 100 -class _PosixOpener(_Opener):
101 """Lock files using Posix advisory lock files.""" 102
103 - def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
104 """Open the file and lock it. 105 106 Tries to create a .lock file next to the file we're trying to open. 107 108 Args: 109 timeout: float, How long to try to lock for. 110 delay: float, How long to wait between retries. 111 112 Raises: 113 AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired. 114 IOError: if the open fails. 115 CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link. 116 """ 117 if self._locked: 118 raise AlreadyLockedException('File %s is already locked' % 119 self._filename) 120 self._locked = False 121 122 validate_file(self._filename) 123 try: 124 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._mode) 125 except IOError, e: 126 # If we can't access with _mode, try _fallback_mode and don't lock. 127 if e.errno == errno.EACCES: 128 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode) 129 return 130 131 lock_filename = self._posix_lockfile(self._filename) 132 start_time = time.time() 133 while True: 134 try: 135 self._lock_fd =, 136 os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL|os.O_RDWR) 137 self._locked = True 138 break 139 140 except OSError, e: 141 if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: 142 raise 143 if (time.time() - start_time) >= timeout: 144 logger.warn('Could not acquire lock %s in %s seconds' % ( 145 lock_filename, timeout)) 146 # Close the file and open in fallback_mode. 147 if self._fh: 148 self._fh.close() 149 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode) 150 return 151 time.sleep(delay)
153 - def unlock_and_close(self):
154 """Unlock a file by removing the .lock file, and close the handle.""" 155 if self._locked: 156 lock_filename = self._posix_lockfile(self._filename) 157 os.close(self._lock_fd) 158 os.unlink(lock_filename) 159 self._locked = False 160 self._lock_fd = None 161 if self._fh: 162 self._fh.close()
164 - def _posix_lockfile(self, filename):
165 """The name of the lock file to use for posix locking.""" 166 return '%s.lock' % filename
167 168 169 try: 170 import fcntl
171 172 - class _FcntlOpener(_Opener):
173 """Open, lock, and unlock a file using fcntl.lockf.""" 174
175 - def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
176 """Open the file and lock it. 177 178 Args: 179 timeout: float, How long to try to lock for. 180 delay: float, How long to wait between retries 181 182 Raises: 183 AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired. 184 IOError: if the open fails. 185 CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link. 186 """ 187 if self._locked: 188 raise AlreadyLockedException('File %s is already locked' % 189 self._filename) 190 start_time = time.time() 191 192 validate_file(self._filename) 193 try: 194 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._mode) 195 except IOError, e: 196 # If we can't access with _mode, try _fallback_mode and don't lock. 197 if e.errno == errno.EACCES: 198 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode) 199 return 200 201 # We opened in _mode, try to lock the file. 202 while True: 203 try: 204 fcntl.lockf(self._fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) 205 self._locked = True 206 return 207 except IOError, e: 208 # If not retrying, then just pass on the error. 209 if timeout == 0: 210 raise e 211 if e.errno != errno.EACCES: 212 raise e 213 # We could not acquire the lock. Try again. 214 if (time.time() - start_time) >= timeout: 215 logger.warn('Could not lock %s in %s seconds' % ( 216 self._filename, timeout)) 217 if self._fh: 218 self._fh.close() 219 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode) 220 return 221 time.sleep(delay)
223 - def unlock_and_close(self):
224 """Close and unlock the file using the fcntl.lockf primitive.""" 225 if self._locked: 226 fcntl.lockf(self._fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) 227 self._locked = False 228 if self._fh: 229 self._fh.close()
230 except ImportError: 231 _FcntlOpener = None 232 233 234 try: 235 import pywintypes 236 import win32con 237 import win32file
238 239 - class _Win32Opener(_Opener):
240 """Open, lock, and unlock a file using windows primitives.""" 241 242 # Error #33: 243 # 'The process cannot access the file because another process' 244 FILE_IN_USE_ERROR = 33 245 246 # Error #158: 247 # 'The segment is already unlocked.' 248 FILE_ALREADY_UNLOCKED_ERROR = 158 249
250 - def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
251 """Open the file and lock it. 252 253 Args: 254 timeout: float, How long to try to lock for. 255 delay: float, How long to wait between retries 256 257 Raises: 258 AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired. 259 IOError: if the open fails. 260 CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link. 261 """ 262 if self._locked: 263 raise AlreadyLockedException('File %s is already locked' % 264 self._filename) 265 start_time = time.time() 266 267 validate_file(self._filename) 268 try: 269 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._mode) 270 except IOError, e: 271 # If we can't access with _mode, try _fallback_mode and don't lock. 272 if e.errno == errno.EACCES: 273 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode) 274 return 275 276 # We opened in _mode, try to lock the file. 277 while True: 278 try: 279 hfile = win32file._get_osfhandle(self._fh.fileno()) 280 win32file.LockFileEx( 281 hfile, 282 (win32con.LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY| 283 win32con.LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK), 0, -0x10000, 284 pywintypes.OVERLAPPED()) 285 self._locked = True 286 return 287 except pywintypes.error, e: 288 if timeout == 0: 289 raise e 290 291 # If the error is not that the file is already in use, raise. 292 if e[0] != _Win32Opener.FILE_IN_USE_ERROR: 293 raise 294 295 # We could not acquire the lock. Try again. 296 if (time.time() - start_time) >= timeout: 297 logger.warn('Could not lock %s in %s seconds' % ( 298 self._filename, timeout)) 299 if self._fh: 300 self._fh.close() 301 self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode) 302 return 303 time.sleep(delay)
305 - def unlock_and_close(self):
306 """Close and unlock the file using the win32 primitive.""" 307 if self._locked: 308 try: 309 hfile = win32file._get_osfhandle(self._fh.fileno()) 310 win32file.UnlockFileEx(hfile, 0, -0x10000, pywintypes.OVERLAPPED()) 311 except pywintypes.error, e: 312 if e[0] != _Win32Opener.FILE_ALREADY_UNLOCKED_ERROR: 313 raise 314 self._locked = False 315 if self._fh: 316 self._fh.close()
317 except ImportError: 318 _Win32Opener = None
319 320 321 -class LockedFile(object):
322 """Represent a file that has exclusive access.""" 323 324 @util.positional(4)
325 - def __init__(self, filename, mode, fallback_mode, use_native_locking=True):
326 """Construct a LockedFile. 327 328 Args: 329 filename: string, The path of the file to open. 330 mode: string, The mode to try to open the file with. 331 fallback_mode: string, The mode to use if locking fails. 332 use_native_locking: bool, Whether or not fcntl/win32 locking is used. 333 """ 334 opener = None 335 if not opener and use_native_locking: 336 if _Win32Opener: 337 opener = _Win32Opener(filename, mode, fallback_mode) 338 if _FcntlOpener: 339 opener = _FcntlOpener(filename, mode, fallback_mode) 340 341 if not opener: 342 opener = _PosixOpener(filename, mode, fallback_mode) 343 344 self._opener = opener
346 - def filename(self):
347 """Return the filename we were constructed with.""" 348 return self._opener._filename
350 - def file_handle(self):
351 """Return the file_handle to the opened file.""" 352 return self._opener.file_handle()
354 - def is_locked(self):
355 """Return whether we successfully locked the file.""" 356 return self._opener.is_locked()
358 - def open_and_lock(self, timeout=0, delay=0.05):
359 """Open the file, trying to lock it. 360 361 Args: 362 timeout: float, The number of seconds to try to acquire the lock. 363 delay: float, The number of seconds to wait between retry attempts. 364 365 Raises: 366 AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired. 367 IOError: if the open fails. 368 """ 369 self._opener.open_and_lock(timeout, delay)
371 - def unlock_and_close(self):
372 """Unlock and close a file.""" 373 self._opener.unlock_and_close()