The assessment process is often depicted as a cycle. Although the exact number of steps depicted and the names of these steps may vary across sources, the essence of the process remains the same. Student learning outcomes assessment involves:
- specifying student learning outcomes/objectives,
- using theory and research to create or map programming to those outcomes,
- selecting or creating measures of the outcomes,
- collecting implementation fidelity data,
- collecting outcomes data,
- analyzing the data to determine whether the outcomes have been met, and
- making programmatic changes based on the results
The SASS team breaks the assessment process into seven distinct steps. Our approach is unique and robust given the attention paid to articulating program theory when building the intervention/curriculum (Step 2) and the gathering of implementation fidelity data (Step 4) to make more informed statements regarding program effectiveness. For more information about each step, please watch the brief overview video below and click the links at the bottom of the page.