Assistant Professor
Year Started at JMU: 2024
Contact Info
Website: http://www.andreaeberardi.com
Pronouns: She/Her
Research Description
As a plant evolutionary biologist, my research focuses on evolutionary, genetic, and ecological processes underlying speciation. I investigate how floral traits play a role in reproductive isolation (e.g. through pollinators) and adaptation to the environment (UV, temperature). My traits of specific interest are floral color and plant secondary/specialized metabolites. I integrate biochemistry, molecular genetics, genomics, phylogenetics, and field techniques to understand how floral color has played a role in evolution and speciation in the genus Silene.
- PhD in Biology, 2014, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- BA in Biology, 2008, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
Select Publications
- Berardi, A.E., Esfeld, K., Jäggi, L., Mandel, T., Cannarozzi, G.M., and Kuhlemeier, C. 2021. Complex evolution of novel red floral color in Petunia. The Plant Cell. 33(7):2273–2295.
- Esfeld, K.*, Berardi, A.E.*, Moser, M.*, Bossolini, E., Freitas, L. and Kuhlemeier, C. 2018. Pseudogenization and resurrection of a speciation gene. Current Biology 28:1–11. * co-first authors, equal contribution
- Berardi, A.E., Fields, P.D., Abbate, J.L., & Taylor, D.R. 2016. Elevational divergence in floral color and leaf chemistry in Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany: 103(8): 1–16.