Leone Brown image


Assistant Professor
Year Started at JMU: 2022
Contact Info

Research Description

Current research areas include: Population ecologylandscape ecology, disease ecology, urban ecology, conservation biology, animal migrations and movement ecology, climate and land cover change, bird and butterfly natural history, environmental and health data science, art-science projects and collaborations.

  • PhD in Ecology and Evolution, 2012, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
  • MA in Applied Ecology and Conservation, 2005, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
  • BS in Biology, 1999, College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
Select Publications
  • Pasquarella VJ, Mickley JG, Barker Plotkin A, MacLean RG, Anderson RM, Brown LM, Wagner DL, Singer MS, Bagchi R. 2021. Predicting defoliator abundance and defoliation measurements using Landsat-based condition scores. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation7(4):592-609.
  • Arriens JV, Brown LM, Crone EE. 2021. Phenology of feeding preference in post-diapause Baltimore checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton) caterpillars. Ecological Entomology46(2):310-318.
  • Crone EE, Pelton EM, Brown LM, Thomas CC, Schultz CB. 2019. Why are monarch butterflies declining in the West? Understanding the importance of multiple correlated drivers. Ecological Applications29(7).

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