Associate Professor
Year Started at JMU: 2013
Contact Info
Website: https://works.bepress.com/raymond_enke/
Research Description
My lab studies epigenetic regulation in retinal neurons. Eukaryotic genomes acquire heritable and reversible chemical modifications that play a large role in influencing expression patterns of genes. We use the developing chicken eye and the human eye to study DNA methylation, an epigenetic modifier of the genome and how this modification effects transcription in retinal neurons. Additionally, I am actively involved with developing applied genomics and bioinformatics classroom materials for implementation into undergraduate courses.
- Foundations of Biology (BIO 140)
- Genetics (BIO 240)
- Advanced Molecular Biology (BIO 480/580)
- Genomics (BIO 481/581)
- Advanced Graduate Topics in Cell & Molecular Biology (BIO 630)
- PhD in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2010, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
- BS in Biology, 2000, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD
Select Publications
- Gage E,* Agarwal D, Chenault C,* Washington-Brown K,* Szvetecz S,* Jahan N, Wang Z, Jones MK, Zack DJ, Enke RA, et al. 2021. Temporal and isoform-specific expression of CTBP2 is evolutionarily conserved between the developing chick and human retina. Front Mol Neurosci. 14:773356. doi:10.3389/fnmol.2021.773356.
- Schumacker ST,* Coppage KR,* Enke RA. 2020. RNA sequencing analysis of the human retina and associated ocular tissues. Sci Data. 7(1):199. doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0541-4.
- St. Jacques RM,* Maza WM,* Robertson SD, Lonsdale A, Murray CS, Williams JJ, Enke RA. 2021. A fun introductory command line lesson: Next generation sequencing quality analysis with emoji! CourseSource. 8. doi:10.24918/cs.2021.17.