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Assistant Professor
Year Started at JMU: 2022
Contact Info
Website: https://kristinyoshimura.weebly.com/
Pronouns: She/Her


I am an environmental microbial ecologist who strives to understand the physiology and ecology of marine and aquatic microbes around the world. I use 'omics methods and targeted gene approaches, as well as culturing and physiological experimentation, to gain a multifaceted view of microbes in their environment. I study all of the smallest organisms, including viruses, bacteria, archaea, and microbial eukaryotes, to understand their ecology and function, how microbial communities contribute to global biogeochemical cycles, and how these communities are responding to a changing world.

  • BIO 245L

Office Hours

  • PhD in Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
  • BA in Marine Science, 2014, Boston University, Boston, MA
Select Publications
  • Yoshimura, K.M., J. York, and J.F. Biddle (2018). Impacts of Salinity and Oxygen on particle-Associated Microbial Communities in the Broadkill River, LEWES, DE. Front Mar Sci 5:100. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00100
  • Zhao, R., Z.M. Sumeers, G.D. Christian, K.M. Yoshimura, and J.F. Biddle (2020). Metagenomic views of microbial dynamics influenced by hydrocarbon seepage in sediments of the Gulf of Mexico. Sci Rep 5772. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62840-z
  • Yoshimura, K.M., S. Todorova, and J.F. Biddle (2020). Microbial Geochemistry and Overall Microbial Diversity in Glacial Lake, Jamesville, NY. Environ Microbiol Rep 12: 195-202. doi: 10.111/1758-2229.12823

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