Kyle Seifert image


Professor; Academic Unit Head
Year Started at JMU: 2004
Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae

Research Description

My primary research focus is on an interdisciplinary project (with Kevin Caran, Ph.D., Chemistry and Biochemistry, JMU) involving the synthesis of various types of amphiphiles and testing them for antimicrobial activity. We also investigate the structure dependence and mechanism of antimicrobial activity of the synthesized compounds with the ultimate goal of developing a product that can effectively kill antibiotic resistant bacteria.

  • General Microbiology (BIO 380)
  • Medical Microbiology (BIO348)

Office Hours

  • PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Microbiology and Immunology), 2004, University of Florida, Gainesville FL
  • BA in Biology, 1997, Augustana College (now Augustana University), Sioux Falls, SD
Select Publications
  • Gallagher TM, Marafino JN, Wimbish BK, Volkers B, Fitzgerald, G, McKenna K, Floyd J, Minahan NT, Walsh B, Thompson K, Bruno D, Paneru M, Djikeng S, Masters S, Haji S, Seifert  K, and Caran, KL. (2017) Hydra Amphiphiles: Using three heads and one tail to influence aggregate formation and to kill pathogenic bacteria. Colloids Surf., B., 157: 440-448. DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.06.010
  • Minbiole KPC, Jennings MC, Ator LE, Black JW, Grenier MC, LaDow JE, Caran KL, Seifert K, Wuest WM. (2016) From antimicrobial activity to mechanism of resistance: the multifaceted role of simple quaternary ammonium compounds in bacterial eradication. Tetrahedron 72 (25):3559-3566.
  • Marafino JN, Gallagher TM, Barragan J, Volkers BL, Ladow JE, Bonifer K, Fitzgerald G, Floyd JL, McKenna K, Minahan NT, Walsh B, Seifert K, Caran KL. (2015) Colloidal and antibacterial properties of novel triple-headed, double-tailed amphiphiles: Exploring structure-activity relationships and synergistic mixtures. Bioorg Med Chem., 23(13):3566-73.

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