Professor Emerita, Sponsored Program Affiliate
Year Started at JMU: 1988
Contact Info
Website: https://orcid.org/000-0002-8496-1161
Research Description
- Role of transposable elements in genome reorganization of copepods
- Molecular systematics and cryptic speciation in Cyclops (Crustacea: Copepoda)
- Molecular systematics of marine and freshwater cyclopoid copepods
- Quantitative behavior of DNA during development in Mesocyclops edax (Crustacea: Copepoda)
- Evolution of genome size
- PhD, University of Maryland
- MS, University of South Florida
- BS, University of Rhode Island
Select Publications
- Wyngaard, G.A. and M. Zagoskin 2024. Programmed DNA elimination in copepods: a novel genome editing tool? Science Animated, United Kingdom
- Wyngaard, G.A., R. Skern-Mauritzen, K. Malde, R. Prendergast*, and S. Perruzi. 2022. The salmon louse genome may be much larger than sequencing suggests. Scientific Reports, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.14.476287
- Drotos*, H.I.K., Zagoskin, M.V., Kess, J.T., Gregory, T.R. and G. A. Wyngaard. 2022. Throwing away DNA: Programmed downsizing in somatic nuclei. Trends in Genetics, doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2022.02.003
*indicates student co-author