Effective Fall 2011

This is an informational document to give you a broad sense of the changes in the organic chemistry offerings and the changes in the Biology major requirements for chemistry;  please consult with your advisor to discuss your specific circumstances.

Chemistry is offering CHEM 341 & CHEM 342/346L during the 2011 Summer sessions.  This is the LAST TIME these courses will be offered at JMU.

Beginning the Fall 2011, the Chemistry Department is changing the offerings for organic chemistry.  Instead of CHEM 341 & 342/346L, the offerings will be CHEM 241 & CHEM 242/242L.

In turn, the Biology Department is changing the organic chemistry cognate requirements for majors.  The changes will apply to ALL biology majors who have NOT already completed CHEM 341 & CHEM 342/346L, regardless of your catalog year.  If you have successfully completed this organic chemistry sequence, you have fulfilled the chemistry cognate requirement for the Biology major.

For all other students, the updated chemistry requirements for the biology major are:

  • CHEM 131/131L & CHEM 132/132L, General Chemistry I & 2
  • CHEM 241, Organic Chemistry I

And one additional Chemistry class, either

  • CHEM 242, Organic Chemistry II
  • GEOL/CHEM 355, Geochemistry or Natural Waters
  • BIO/CHEM 361, Biochemistry 1.


  1. The changes in chemistry requirement for biology majors apply to all students, regardless of catalog year, who have not already completed the CHEM 341/342/346L sequence.
  2. If you have completed CHEM 341, you may take CHEM 242 instead of CHEM 342.
  3. Students in preparations for Pre-Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine should take CHEM 242 AND CHEM 242L.
  4. CHEM 241 will be the only pre-requisite for BIO/CHEM 361.  Next year (2011-12), CHEM 341 can also serve as the pre-requisite for Biochemistry I.  Contact the instructor for further information.
  5. If you are considering a repeat forgive in either CHEM 341 or 342, you may do so by taking the appropriate CHEM 241 or 242 course.  Contact the chemistry department for further information.
  6. You may not count both CHEM 241 & 341 and/or CHEM 242 & 342 towards your JMU degree requirements.
  7. The correct Chemistry course option is dependent upon your long term career and graduate school goals; be sure to consult with your academic advisor before making a decision.

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