Recent Publications
Chen, C. W., McCarron, G. P., Owen, J., & Grande, S. E. (in press). Activism, burnout, and community in higher education: Narratives of college student activists. Routledge.
Evans, A.M., Chalk, S., Green, D., Hornsby, T., Ramsay-Seaner, K., & Haskins, R. (accepted for publication. Cyberbullying as a method of discrimination among people of color: A mixed methods study. Wisconsin Counseling Journal
Ghoston, M., Field, T., & Sturm, D. (2024). Influence of University Policies Prohibiting Same-Sex Relationships on Counseling Programs. Counseling and Ethics.
Grande, S. E. & Staton, A. R. (in press). Authentic hope during troubling times. In L. Harrison, P. Mather, S. Bah (Eds.). Rehumanizing Higher Education: New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Jossey-Bass.
Green, D. A., Evans, A. M., Litam, S. D., Hornsby, T., Boulden, R., Shannon, J., Ford, D. J., & Landrum, D. (in press). Racial identity attitudes and vicarious traumatization from undue police violence among Black Americans. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Hiatt, K., & Lim, J. (under review). From multicultural competence to orientation: The potential for a parallel paradigm shift in religion and spirituality. Counseling and Values.
Hiatt, K. (2022). Compassion-supported development: A humanistic approach to counseling supervision. Journal of Humanistic Counseling.
Kielty, M, L. & Gilligan, T. D. (in press). Cross-Cultural Mindfulness: Examining the Processes and Outcomes of a Unique Study Abroad Experience. Accepted for publication in Frontiers: the Interdisciplinary Journal for Study Abroad
Kielty, M., & Staton, A. R. (2023). Leading K-12 Community Responsiveness to Cyber Threats via Education of School Community. Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice, 2024(1), 3.
Nakamura, Y.T., Grande, S.E., Williams, E.N., & Pyle, L.K. (in press). Themes, dialectics and paradoxes of authentic and sustainable leadership. In C.N. Shealy (Ed.), Cultivating the globally sustainable self: How the human species might fulfill its potential. Oxford, UK: Oxford.
Ramsay-Seaner, K., Evans, A. M., Born, S., & East, C. (accepted for publication). Multiracial Americans experiences with racial microaggressions: An ethnographic content analysis on an on-line forum. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.
Reese, R. F., Swank, J. & Sturm, D. (2023). A Survey of Helping Professionals and Climate Change: Implications for Humanistic Counseling. Journal of Humanistic Counseling.
Staton, A. R., Gilligan, T. D., & Kielty, M. L. (2024). Interprofessional and Community Collaboration in Gun Violence Prevention and Intervention. In J. Herron (Ed.), Impact of Gun Violence in School Systems (pp. 155-176). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 10.4018/979-8-3693-1706-8
Staton, A. R., & Kielty, M. L. (2023). A lurking threat: Counselor practices to guard against cyber threats. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 45(1), 20–33.
Sturm, D., Daniels, J. & Duggan, J. (2024). The climate crisis and mental health. In Derner, S. B., Ed. The SAGE encyclopedia of multicultural counseling, social justice, and advocacy. SAGE Publications.
Sturm, D. (2024). Environmental inequality and injustice. In Derner, S. B., Ed. The SAGE encyclopedia of multicultural counseling, social justice, and advocacy. SAGE Publications.
Waalkes, P. L., DeCino, D. A., Phelps‐Pineda, M. M., Somerville, T., Flynn, S. V., & LeBlanc, J. (2024). A Pragmatic Guide to Generic Qualitative Research in Counselor Education. Under revision with Counselor Education and Supervision.
Williams, E.N., Chin, J.N., Grande, S.E., Handford, C., Kenny, A.C., Nakamura, Y.T., Roh, A. & Shaw, G. (in press). Standing at the crossroads of culture, gender, and leadership: Seeking a productive path for the 21st Century and beyond. In C.N. Shealy (Ed.), Cultivating the globally sustainable self: How the human species might fulfill its potential. Oxford, UK: Oxford.
Recent Presentations
Bryant, K., & Staton, A. R. (2024, November). Counselor Wellness: Building Resilience Through Autonomy in the Classroom. Session accepted for the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Biannual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Evans, A.M. (2024). Neurodiversity: Movement-based humanistic interventions for counseling youth. Association for Humanistic Counseling, Online Conference.
Evans, A.M. & Richard, I. (2024). Neurodiveristy: Movement-based interventions to counseling youth. American Counseling Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Evans, A.M. Hiatt, K., White, D., & Richard, I. (2024). Institutional and sociopolitical oppression: A liberation approach to counseling. American Counseling Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Evans, A. M., Conner, C., & Jarrett, H. (2023). Stages of racial identity development and race-based trauma. American Counseling Association. Toronto: Canada.
Evans, A. M., Gaines, B., Haskins, R., & Oginz Wilson, A. (proposal accepted). Humanism, positive psychology, and liberation: Conceptualizing oppression. Association for Humanistic Counseling, Denver, Colorado.
Evans, A. M., Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Hiatt, K. (2023). Wellness and social justice: A positive, liberation-oriented approach. American Counseling Association. Toronto: Canada.
Gaines, B., Kielty, M., Meixner, C., & Evans, A. M., (May, 2023). Black girl magic: Exploring the black mother-daughter relationship. Association for Humanistic Counseling, Denver, Colorado.
Grande, S. E., Porter, M., & Wagner, W. (2024, January). Fostering authentic hope in troubling times through civic and community engagement. Annual gathering of the American Association of Colleges & Universities, Washington, D.C.
Grande, S. E., Davidson, K. M., & Ortwein, M. (2023, November). From hopelessness to realistic hopefulness: Fostering hope in troubling times. Annual gathering of the Virginia Student Services Conference, Wintergreen, VA.
Grande, S. E., & Staton, A. R. (2023, October). Fostering Transformative Hope through the Sustainable Development Goals. Paper presented at the AAC&U Conference on Global Learning, Washington, D.C.
Hiatt, K. (May 2023). Compassion-supported developmental supervision: A collaborative, humanistic approach. Association for Humanistic Counseling, Denver, Colorado.
Kielty, M. L., & Staton. A. R. (2023, October). Updating the Narrative: Emphasizing Strengths of First Generation College Students. European Branch of the American Counseling Association, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Kielty, M.L., Gilligan, T.D. & Staton, A. R. (2023, May). Cross-Cultural Mindfulness: Integrating Cross-Cultural Experiences and Mindfulness. Paper presented at the Association for Humanistic Counseling Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Lambert, S. F., Kielty. M.K. & Riso, V. (2023, June). Promoting Wellness amidst Chronic Illness: Incorporating Social Justice and Spirituality to Build Resiliency. International Association for Counseling, Naples, Italy.
LeBlanc, J., & Hornsby, G. (proposal accepted). A Journey in Supporting Faculty Wellness and Wellbeing through Professional Development Initiatives. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Dallas, TX.
Puryear, T., & Staton, A. R. (2024, May). Harm Reduction as a Humanistic Intervention. Roundtable presentated at the 2024 Association of Humanistic Counseling Conference. Online.
Puryear, T., & Staton, A. R. (2024, September). Incorporating Harm Reduction Principles in Counselor Education: Case Activities. Session accepted for the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Biannual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
Staton, A. R. (2024, November). Training and Supervision to Enhancing Counselor Resilience and Wellness. Roundtable session accepted for the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Biannual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Staton, A. R., Bailey, K., & Hughes, K. (2023, November). Losing It: Anti-Fat Bias in Counseling and Implications for Counselors. Session presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Counselors Association, Hot Springs, VA.
Sturm, D., Carroll, B., Dolieslager, K., & Hough, A. The power of storytelling: Shaping and empowering advocate identity. Accepted for the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, October 2023.