Julio Perez image


Class of 2025

When Julio came to JMU, he was unsure of what to study. At first, it was Computer Science, but that quickly changed. When researching other departments, Julio came across one he’d never seen before: ISAT. It pulled him in because of the broad number of subjects ISAT covers. As an ISAT Ambassador, Julio hopes to address the fact that ISAT is not widely known to entering students.

Julio is a part of the Theta Tau Fraternity and Chi Alpha, a Christian fellowship. In his free time, Julio hangs with friends, walks, works out at UREC and enjoys his time at JMU.

How is ISAT preparing you for your future?

"It taught me to communicate with students and faculty better. I ultimately achieved personal and collaborative goals in this program. The courses allow students to focus on problem-solving and utilizing technology through hands-on assignments.”

Advice for prospective students

"Reach out to me for any advice or questions! I am open to discussion and meeting new people.”

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