Assistant Professor, Business Management
Contact Info
Professional Webpage
Teaching & Research Interests
- Organizational Behavior
- Human Resources
- Ph.D., Management, University of Arkansas - 2023
- M.S., Finance, University of Utah - 2014
- B.A., Political Science (summa cum laude), University of Utah - 2013
Select Publications
Bradley, C., Moergen, K., Roumpi, D., & Simon, L. (in press). Don't just tell me, show me: Impacting perceptions of organizational attraction and fit using activating LGBT diversity signals. Personnel Psychology.
Koopman, J., Lanaj, K., Lee, Y. E., Alterman, V., Bradley, C. & Stoverink, A. C. (2023). Walking on eggshells: A self-control perspective on workplace political correctness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(3), 425–445.
Chiaburu, D. S., Oh, I. S., Stoverink, A. C., Park, H. H., Bradley, C., & Barros-Rivera, B. A. (2022). Happy to help, happy to change? A meta-analysis of major predictors of affiliative and change-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 132, 103664.
Awards and Recognitions
- Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award, Walton College of Business - 2023
- Best Doctoral Paper in Human Resources, Southern Management Association - 2021
- Distinguished Doctoral Fellow, Walton College of Business - 2018-2022