Director and Professor, International Business; Professor, Marketing
Contact Info
Teaching & Research Interests
- Cross-cultural methodology
- International marketing
- Technology marketing
- Marketing education
- Ph.D., Old Dominion University
- M.B.A., Old Dominion University
- B.S., B.A., Marketing, University of Richmond
Positions Held
- Member, Editorial Review Board of Academy of Marketing Science Review, Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of Marketing Education, Health Marketing Quarterly
- Member, Senior Advisory Board for Marketing Education Review
- Freede Endowed Professorship of Teaching Excellence at Oklahoma City University
- Dr. Clarke has served as the Department Head for Marketing and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Select Publications
Clarke, Irvine, Theresa Flaherty, Newell Wright and Robert McMillen (2009), “Student Intercultural Proficiency from Study Abroad Programs,” Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 173-181.
Faranda, William T. and Irvine Clarke III (2004), “Student Observations of Outstanding Teaching: Implications for Marketing Educations,” Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 271-281.
Clarke, Irvine (2001), “Extreme Response Style in Cross-cultural Marketing Research,” International Marketing Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 301-324.
Clarke, Irvine (2001), “Emerging Value Propositions for M-commerce,” Journal of Business Strategies, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 133-148.
Awards and Recognitions
- JMU Madison Scholar and the Wampler-Longacre Eminent Professor of Marketing.
- The Journal of Marketing Education (2011) named him the #1 author in marketing education 2000-09 and International Marketing Review (2005) recognized him as the sixth most “prolific author in the first 21 years of research in IMR”.
- Dr. Clarke's article, co-authored with Dr. Faranda, entitled "Student Observations of Outstanding Teaching: Implications for Marketing Educators" was named the Outstanding Article of the Year (2004) by the Journal of Marketing Education.
- “Emerging Value Propositions for M-commerce” was selected as one of four “best articles” (from 262 articles) in the Journal of Business Strategies 25-year history.