Associate Professor, Marketing
Contact Info
Teaching & Research Interests
- Services marketing
- Consumer behavior
- Marketing management and strategy
- Business education issues (primarily with regard to student learning and student/faculty interaction)
Ph.D., Marketing, Arizona State University
- MBA, Marketing, Miami University (Oxford, OH)
B.S., Accounting, Miami University (Oxford, OH)
Select Publications
Faranda, W. T., & Clarke III, I. (2004). Student Observations of Outstanding Teaching: Implications for Marketing Educators. Journal of Marketing Education, 26(3), 271-281.
Faranda, W. T. (2011). The Impact of Service Deregulation on Buyers' Reliance of a Market-Based Reference Price: A Test in a B2B Insurance Context. Service Industries Journal, 32(2) 129-145.
Faranda, W. T. (2015). Approaches to Studying and the Undergraduate Business Student: A Qualitative Assessment. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 19(1), 43-64.
Faranda, W. T. (2015). The Effects of Instructor Service Performance, Immediacy, and Trust on Student-Faculty Out-of-Class Communication. Marketing Education Review, 25(2), 83-97.
Faranda, W. T., Clarke, T. B., & Clarke III, I. (2021). Marketing Student Perceptions of Academic Program Quality and Relationships to Surface, Deep, and Strategic Learning Approaches. Journal of Marketing Education, 43(1), 9-24.