Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Professor, Business Management
Contact Info
- Ph.D., Rutgers University, School of Management, Organization Management
- Master in Public Policy, Harvard University, J.F.K. School of Government
- B.B.A., University of Texas-Austin, College of Business Administration
Positions Held
- Assistant to the Chancellor, Lamar University, 1991-1994
Select Publications
Mousa, F., Chowdhury J. and Gallagher, S. (2020). The Implications of CEO Power on the Relationship Between Firm Resources and Innovation. Journal of Management and Organization, 1-16. doi:10.1017/jmo.2019.84
Bierly, Paul, Scott Gallagher and J.C. Spender (2014). Innovation Decision Making in High-Risk Organizations: A Comparison of the U.S. and Soviet Attack Submarine Programs. Industrial and Corporate Change, 23 (3): 759-795. (Winner 2016 Center for Entrepreneurship Best Paper Award)
Gallagher, Scott (2012). The Battle of the Blue Laser DVDs: The Significance of Corporate Strategy in Standards Battles. Technovation, 32: 90 - 98. (Winner 2013 Best Practitioner Paper Award)
Bierly, Paul, Scott Gallagher and J.C. Spender (2008). Innovation and Learning in High-Reliability Organizations: A Case Study of United States and Russian Nuclear Attack Submarines, 1970 – 2000. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 55(3), August, 393 - 408.
Bierly, Paul and Scott Gallagher (2007). Explaining Alliance Partner Selection: Fit, Trust and Strategic Expediency. Long Range Planning, 40(2), April, 134 – 153. (Winner 2008 Best Practitioner Paper Award)
Awards and Recognitions
- Madison Scholar for the College of Business 2010-2011
- Voted by students CoB Outstanding Professor 2009
- CoB Distinguished Professor Award 2008